[center][img]http://i63.tinypic.com/ir14s7.png[/img] [hr][b]Character information[/b][hr] [color=516382]NAME:[/color] [i]Sharlene Keri Robbinson[/i] [color=516382]GENDER:[/color] [i]Female[/i] [color=516382]SEXUALITY:[/color] [i]Heterosexual[/i] [color=516382]AGE:[/color] [i]Eighteen[/i] [color=516382]PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/color] [i]Sharlene is a mixed race young woman. Her mother is Puerto Rican and her Father is Welsh and African American giving her a caramel skin tone all year round. She had almond shaped dark brown eyes. Her hair is naturally curly and also dark brown, but she likes to bring some lighter browns into it during the year with highlights. Her 5ft 6 body is relatively athletic, keeping in shape playing both basketball and volleyball through out her high school years. Her personal style is very fun and flirty, and she takes good care of her appearance. She wears makeup and gets her hair and nails done fairly often. [/i] [hr][b]Personal[/b][hr] [color=516382]PERSONALITY:[/color] [i]Outgoing. Absent Minded. Over Dramatic. Silly. If you're looking for a time filled with those deep in your gut laughs, Sharlene is your girl. She is always looking for fun, even during the most mundane events- like grocery shopping. Very friendly and outgoing, wanting everyone to join in and be having a good time. She's an amazing party host. However, life isn't always fun and games and when it hits Sharlene she breaks down and becomes very dramatic and over reactive about everything. Every problem is always world ending. Sometimes it is hard to take Sharlene seriously because she always has a hint of a smile on her face, and tends to laugh at inappropriate times, giving her an often bad reputation.[/i] [color=516382]HISTORY:[/color] [i]Born to Antwon and Slyvia Robbinson, Sharlene is the oldest of two daughters (Her younger sister is named Mercedes). She grew up in a middle class household, her parents both maintaining basic office jobs. Life really had no hardships for Sharlene, she was a very well rounded kid, attending public school and being involved in many after school activities. School was often a challenge, as she often had her head in the clouds- but she got a long with good grades and handfuls of friends and acquaintances with good things to say about her. She was voted most contagious laugh and had dreams of going to a school for dance once graduating.[/i] [color=516382]QUIRK(s):[/color] [i]Has a tendency of leaving her belongings everywhere, so if you find her jacket, socks, or hat in your possession, it won't be a surprise. She'll come back for it- eventually. Sharlene also has a habit of tapping her nails on hard surfaces when she's bored in a conversation or nervous about something that is to happen in the future.[/i] [hr][b]Mentality[/b][hr] [color=516382]FEAR(s):[/color] [i]Drowning. Being left behind. Insects. After going on a camping trip with her family; Sharlene developed the fear of insects, as they often invaded her personal space every chance they got. While on the trip she had an incident at the lake with her sister, and has been afraid of swimming and large pools of water ever since. Another fear she has, which doesn't really have a concrete beginning to it is, being left behind. She feels often that she is just a good laugh in all of her friends and loved one's timelines and will be left behind and alone at the end of the day.[/i] [color=516382]TALENT(s):[/color] [i]Dancing. Making friends. Imaginative. With a creative and imaginative mind, Sharlene found it easy to make friends on the playground when she was little. She was able to think of a make believe world and make it come true for everyone to enjoy. As she got older those skills became basis for jokes and entertaining stories. Besides sports, Sharlene really loves to dance and has been attending dance classes ever since she was a little girl.[/i] [color=516382]WEAKNESS(es):[/color] [i]Air headed. Not a good leader. Dependent. Sometimes people are just sheep. Sharlene fit in that category, needing someone to often tell her what to do, and how to do it. If her head wasn't always in the clouds or trying to be playful she might have the determination to do something with out a guiding hand; but until then she will grab a hand and blindly follow.[/i] [color=516382]POWER:[/color] [i]Can become invisible, but only at night.[/i] [hr][b]Other[/b][hr] [color=516382]EXTRA:[/color] [i]Hasn't been kissed nor received her driver's license yet.[/i] [/center]