Well, here goes something. ...Two somethings. [hider=Buck Abbott] [b]Name[/b]: Buchanan "Buck" Abbott [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Appearance[/b]: [IMG]http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd296/Watersoftheoasis/anime160.jpg[/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b] Buck is the one and only, ass-ass-in. Yes, not assassin. Yes, you read that right. May whatever goddess there is rest our souls. Due to his very strange backstory, Buck absolutely and utterly seems to hate people's... hindquarters. As such, yeah, he's an assassin. But all of his "kills" (which most of them ended up just sending his targets to the hospital) have been from direct stabbings to the butt. Yes, we're serious. An assassin who attacks his victims by trying to kill their behinds. Yet at the same time, Buck's personality seems to almost revolve around butts too. He will often make quips that sound quite profound but probably are some kind of butt pun. He will often visually inspect and put bounties on future butts. Not that the inspection is leering at all. Buck only likes personality, something that he believes both transcends gender and what he finds as totally profound, which is on the record (also for the record, his own personality, as you can see, is pretty poor so he really can't say much there). Outside of his focus on the death of the derriere, Buck often runs his mouth without thinking and quite honestly has a pitifully low Luck stat. Like almost death wish level unlucky. Even in circumstances that require complete and utter seriousness, he is still as unlucky, loud-mouthed, ass hating, and ultimately naive as ever. But if you contract him, you've got a loyal party member to the bitter end! ...Somewhat. We recommend wearing frying pants on your ass to bed. Trust us. Abilities: -Knife Play: The passive skill to equip, use, and master the use of the knife. Pretty simple. -Lock-On: A skill that locks on to a target for battle. Usually his opponent's butt. -A keen sense of smell: [i]Please don't ask how he picked this ability up.[/i] -A New One: His finishing move. For the most part, not much different from him usually stabbing/slashing someone's butt. Just... A finishing attack. [b]Notable Equipment[/b]: Knives, light weight clothes, binoculars. [b]Traits:[/b] Good traits? Pretty accomplished slayer of the derriere, pretty stable loyalty, his keen sense of smell, somewhat wise. ...Yeah, somewhat good traits. Bad traits. Pretty accomplished slayer of the derriere, his naivete, existential crises over whether he should slay his own derriere or not, the fact he has little to no common sense, does he ever shut up? Who knows? Probably not History: For anyone who asks him, the answer's the same. A freak accident (the details changing almost everytime he explains it) supposedly involving butts killed his parents. No one believes him. There's a rumor going around that all of this was a dream he had and he was actually just a simple farm boy in a simple farming village once. No one questions it (except, you know, [i]everybody[/i].) [/hider] [hider=Elysia Corentine] [b]Name[/b]: Elysia Corentine [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Female. [b]Race[/b]: Demon. [b]Appearance[/b]: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/sDY4FMD.png[/IMG] [b]Personality[/b]: Elysia Corentine. Two names that mean destruction. That mean [i]fear.[/i] That demand [i]respect[/i]. ...Well, she tries to get that. Close enough? Elysia is a demon who has no interest in the demon lord's plans. Instead, she just wants to make some money and get the respect she deserves. And [i]maybe[/i] amidst all the madness develop a peership of likeminded individuals who will all bow to her every whim and worship the ground she walks on. Is that asking for too much? Yeah. Elysia is incredibly egotistical and prideful, believing she's so much better than she actually is (especially when it comes to her ability as a summoner). Cold and vastly competitive, even when she's traveling with others, she believes that what she says is obviously more important and that she is very much a queen. Alas, this is only in her head. She only really comes across as a jerk most of the time because of this. She is known for addressing people by their full names. Last name and all. If they don't have a last name, then she just gives a description of them after their first name. Hell, she'd probably go that far normally. For example, who says something like, "I, Elysia Corentine, summoner extraordinaire and the owner of the feet you should so lovingly want to kiss, disagrees on this subject." ...Yeah, she does. There's just a little problem. She's not a summoner extraordinaire because what she summons is never what she wishes to summon. She wants to summon a giant fire breathing dragon? Bam! A pile of geckos. She wants to summon a being of plague upon your houses? Bam! Bees. Which immediately decide to sting her. ...Her luck stat is barely existent, okay, cut her some slack. [b]Abilities:[/b] -Summoning: She can summon creatures to aid her in battle. It's never the right one for the situation. This might be because of her summoning equipment. -Unending Pride: A passive ability that both gives her the strength to try, try again, but also makes her absolutely obnoxious to be around. [b]Equipment:[/b] -Here's the deal. Her summoning equipment is the two magitek type gauntlets near her skirt. She made it herself. That's probably why she can't summon anything right. [b]Traits:[/b] Good traits? Her pride, her determination, her self-image. ...That's about it. Bad traits? Her attitude, her pride, her summoning, her pride, #GrowingUpUnlucky, [i]her pride[/i]. History: Elysia Corentine comes from a long line of tinkering and engineering demons. However, despite this, Elysia has a dream. A dream she should probably give up on, but a dream regardless. She wishes to be the best summoner in the world. Maybe she should stick to being a tinkerer. Or not since her self-created summoning apparatus is a dud. Maybe she should set her sights on something like... being a waitress or something, we dunno. [/hider]