I'm done with my cs! [hider=Allisa] [center][img]http://img.scrolls.combats.com/ph/1238253015/big/LC0DpYYHXe8OlULRfY4QI9hcNoTs0oxAhZjK8I4bKg.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Allisa Sylsys [b]Age[/b] 22 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Race[/b] Elf [b]Personality[/b] Allisa seems to be the very definition of cheerfulness and friendliness. She is usually seen with a smile on her face, and doesn't hesitate to strike up a friendly conversation with people. She is also a very honest person, sometimes to the point of being brutal about it, and she is not a very good secret keeper either. [b]Abilities[/b] Allisa is quite a skilled huntress. Having lived in the woods for much of her childhood, she is fully capable of using a bow and arrow to fell targets at long range. Allisa is also skilled with a dagger or two in hand to repel someone at close range. Allisa is fully capable of stealthily hunting down targets in a forest, whether it be for food like deer and rabbits or for kill quests of dangerous beasts. She also feels most at home in a forest and will usually seek out a tree to sleep in, which certainly helps with money as there's not much need to find an inn. [b]Notable Equipment, Traits, etc[/b] -Longbow and arrows: pretty standard stuff. The bow is nicely crafted, but made out of wood from the common trees, while the arrows can be bought in plenty of common weapon shops. -Pair of daggers: Even a long range combatant may find themselves having to face an enemy in close combat, which is why these are here. Nothing really special about them, though. -Obedient: Allisa will gladly follow any order given to her by someone she trusts, as long as the order is acceptable to her moral standards. Better be specific, though, because she tends to go above and beyond for these orders. Get some food? An entire day spent hunting down rabbits and bringing their skinned carcasses back to the person who issued the order. Make sure someone's not bothered? Drive away all people by threatening them with her bow and arrow should they get too close. The only orders she really refuses are sexual actions and torturing others. That's about it. [b]History[/b] Allisa was born in a forest village, where she spent her entire life learning how to fend for herself. She learned much about the forest and its bounty of hidden goods, as well as the means of acquiring these goods. The migration patterns of certain animals, the edible fruits and vegetables, how to string a bow and hunt down animals, etc. Allisa was also told that she should have the ability to perform magic. However, she never really understood magic and its ways, so she quickly gave up on that idea. As Allisa became of age, she decided to leave home. According to her parents, she was to be able to fend for herself now and earn a living for herself. After a day had passed, though, she realized that she felt... lost. She was so used to having people tell her what to do that she didnt really know what to do for herself. So, she wandered. She walked for days, stopping to rest for food and sleep, until she finally made her way to a city. It was her first time entering a city, so all the sights and sounds were completely new to her. An adventurer found her and helped guide her through the city, making their way to the Adventurer's Guild. From there, she became an adventurer, and did her best to complete the quests she found. [b]Other[/b] Most quests she does tend to be beginner quests, like find a lost pet or killing 5 or so troublesome creatures. [/center] [/hider]