[h2][b]Welcome[/b][/h2] This is the character application thread for [b]'Wizard life. Fairytail guild wars.'[/b] [i]Important:[/i] Please note this is the only place you will post your character. Once approved I will move it into the game thread. For ease of gaming and to avoid clutter characters will be found at the top of the OOC tab. The in game Character tab has been repurposed to hold all matters that don't happen in the guild house ie; jobs and missions. The IC tab is strictly the guild house. All events that happen there will be in the tavern. This is where you can meet others, find jobs, get paid and create adventuring parties. (Not to mention sleep and eat.) [hr] [b]Characters & powers:[/b] Wizard rating and advancement. ([i]Skills & magic[/i]) ____Novice_____.|.____Adept____.|.Journeyman.|._Prof_.|. ? (D-, D, D+, E-, E,) | (E+ C-, C, C+,) | (B-, B, B+,) | (A-,A) | A+ Everyone starts off with 1 type of E level magic and one E level skill and an E level of combat ability. (10points) you can lower one to raise the other. Alternatively you can lower either or both to create a new line of magic power abilities. Alternatively if you wish you can replace magic or skill with super natural abilities or hidden wealth. Ie; an E rank werewolf a D rank inheritance As a general rule for ties in magical ratings, the more specific the magic ability is the more stronger it will be compared to a magic that covers a wide diverse range of things. Being fewer abilities to focus on you can train harder and put more energy into it. While getting stronger isn't the aim of the roleplay, over time the wizards should develop and grow. Advancement will be through the purchase of lacrima which will be costly and needs the approval of a GM. [i]Important:[/i] There will be a limit of one advancement per a month per character, and even that will be rare! It requires high level of involvement and running well laid out jobs for others. [hr] [b]Jobs![/b] Money - the great motivator. Guild life, ever real time Wednesday 50 rubies will be subtracted from each player for the general expenses and lodging at the guild. During your role play you may build more expenses or even an income to counteract it, but the main source of lively hood will be jobs! You need to work to survive! GM's will put up jobs in the tavern for players to take but players are also welcome to host their own! (Even encouraged to do so.) The average E level job should see each character bring back 100 - 200 rubies (depending how many posts were put into it.) but as always, there are expenses and moral dilemmas along the way! Bigger party jobs can fetch up to 500 each. [hr] [b]Character sheets.[/b] Layout. While the IC posts can be short paragraphs I do ask for quite a bit when it comes to character sheets and applications. Picture Quotes Name Age Appearance (height, weight, clothing, ect.) Colour and location of symbol Power/s Personality History Reason for joining [hider=Character examples] [hider=Guild master] [center] [b][h2]Horondo,[/h2][/b] [i]Old wizard. Master H[/i][/center] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d364b532a0840971cb6b6036fc410bd6/tumblr_mvyaispKLM1qgojlgo8_500.png[/img] [hider=Appearance] [b]Age:[/b] Undisclosed, Very old. [b]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] 6'4 (not including the hat) [*][i]Weight:[/i] [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] Steely blue. [*][i]Hair:[/i] Thinning on top, heavy white with a [i]majestic[/i] beard. [*][i]Physique:[/i] Frail with age. [*][i]Clothes:[/i] Heavy wizard cloak and hat that hides even heavier armour beneath. [*][i]Symbol colour, location:[/I] Pending [/list][/hider] [hider=Personal details] [b]Personality:[/b] For such a humble wise old man he is very impatient and abrupt. He is more often a quite observer but will not go unnoticed when he does speak. One could be easily fooled and mistaken for thinking him a cold careless selfish man, on a personal level his compassion can seem endless, if you have earned it. His social problems stem from the many distracting thoughts, puzzles and problems that continually run through his mind simultaneously every waking moment. [b]Bio:[/b] Little is known of his extended past, Horondo is new to the land bringing with him his experience wealth and granddaughter. He has been instrumental in guild structure before but outside of that knowledge he shares very little. [b]Reason for creating the guild:[/b] Horondo lost control of his last guild to his three children. Unhappy with the environment Izzy was in he started a new guild upon her desperate wishes and travelled far away from his haunting past failures. [/hider] [hider=magic and abilities] [b]Combat prowess:[/b] E- Basic sword and cane, the old man can move surprisingly fast when he has too. [b]Name:[/b] Air Force magic [b]Type:[/b] Matter manipulation [b]Rank:[/b] B+ [b]Detail:[/b] Horondo's magic allows him to create an invisible solid square block out of the air. It can be of varying sizes and he can create multiples if needed. These squares can be fully enclosed or have one or multiple openings. By further manipulating the air within it he can; [indent]Remove all air at creation, Make it a near solid block, Or by semi-solidifying it, create a shimmering sludge that acts like quick sand.[/indent] [b]Uses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Offensive-[/i] Solid blocks can be used to crush opponents. Trapped opponents can be suffocated. [*][i]Defensive-[/i] Solid walls act as invisible barriers and shields. [*][i]Support-[/i] Can be used to slow or trap enemies. [*][i]Other-[/i] Can be used as a container or climbing blocks. [/list] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Granddaughter] [center] [b][h2]Isabelle,[/h2][/b] [i]Izzy!. The young inventor[/i][/center] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/2712d13a4587978a7810a0696073da25/tumblr_mvycngFnNL1rpem9no6_500.png[/img] [hider=Appearance] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] 5'4 [*][i]Weight:[/i] [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] Wild brown [*][i]Hair:[/i] Long thick light brown with a tint of fiery orange. [*][i]Physique:[/i] Slender, thin. [*][i]Clothes:[/i] Minimal, beside nearly every possible accessory. Goggles, hat, gloves, belt, travelling boots, back pack, and her trusty reliable dear coat. [*][i]Symbol colour, location:[/I] Pending [/list][/hider] [hider=Personal details] [b]Personality:[/b] Izzy is a bright curious and bubbly young lady. Her biggest flaw is her naive belief that others share her innocence. She is highly gullible and easily mislead or tricked. Given the choice she will [i]always[/i] show sympathy and give a second chance. It is near impossible to wipe the optimistic smile from her face or cheerful gleam from her eye. Her second flaw is her endless curiosity and desire to experiment and learn. [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Reason for joining:[/b] Horondo put his experience and resources into starting the guild just for Izzy. He strongly believes it is a crucial factor for a growing young Mage. [/hider] [hider=magic] [b]Combat Prowess:[/b] E/D+ With guns. Izzy is agile and fit but untrained and quite weak, as expected for a 16 year old girl. Her skill with her magic musket is quite good however. [b]Magic:[/b] Limitless creation [b]Type:[/b] Manifestation (invention magic) [b]Rank:[/b] E- [b]Detail:[/b] Izzy's magic allow's her to bring the cogs, gears, beams, springs, wires, nuts and bolts from her imagination into reality. The different parts are often different bright colours depending on their properties. [indent] Blue- solid/rigid Green- flexible Red- malleable/slick/gooey Brown- soft/solid/light (wood like) Yellow- brittle/sharp (depending on shade)[/indent] The magic can only exist within close proximity to izzy and is subject to all the laws of physics expected for what it represents. [b]Uses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Offensive-[/i] Besides the obvious of making a stick to bat someone with, Izzy in her ingenuity often discovers ways to trip, trap, stumble and batter her opponents. [*][i]Defensive-[/i] Barriers are the quickest and easiest defensive derived from her powers. [*][i]Support-[/i] Situational, but Izzy must be close. [*][i]Other-[/i] Long ladders don't work. A very young Izzy once learned this as the base of her construct continued to disappear as she got higher, leaving the young escapist climbing in one spot. [/list] [/hider][/hider] [hider=] [center] [b][h2]Selcia,[/h2][/b] [i]The iron maiden[/i][/center] [img]http://gbf-wiki.com/index.php?plugin=attach&refer=img&openfile=3020018000_01.png[/img] [hider=Appearance] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] [*][i]Weight:[/i] [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] [*][i]Hair:[/i] [*][i]Physique;[/i] [*][i]Clothes:[/i] [*][i]Symbol colour, location:[/I] [/list][/hider] [hider=Personal details] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Reason for joining:[/b] [/hider] [hider=magic] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Detail:[/b] [b]Uses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Offensive-[/i] [*][i]Defensive-[/i] [*][i]Support-[/i] [*][i]Other-[/i] [/list] [/hider][/hider] [hider=] [center] [b][h2]Ivas,[/h2][/b] [i]... 'That guy'[/i][/center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/21/0d/a9/210da9ad9ebd76bf6b52377392bf1d72.jpg[/img] [hider=Appearance] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] [*][i]Weight:[/i] [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] [*][i]Hair:[/i] [*][i]Physique;[/i] [*][i]Clothes:[/i] [*][i]Symbol colour, location:[/I] [/list][/hider] [hider=Personal details] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Reason for joining:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [b]Combat prowess:[/b] [b]Ability:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Detail:[/b] [b]Uses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Offensive-[/i] [*][i]Defensive-[/i] [*][i]Support-[/i] [*][i]Other-[/i] [/list] [/hider][/hider][/hider] [hider= Character guide][code] [center][b][h2] **(Character name here)** [/h2][/b][i] **(Nick name or cliche role)** [/i][/center][img] **(url for your image)** [/img] [hider=Appearance] [b]Age:[/b] *(Include apparent and actual if needed)* [b]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] [*][i]Weight:[/i] [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] [*][i]Hair:[/i] [*][i]Physique:[/i] [*][i]Clothes:[/i] [*][i]Symbol colour, location:[/I] **(all guild members must wear the guild symbol some where on their skin when it gets designed. These are magical markers. Colour and location up to you. Do you wear it proudly or hide it?)** [/list][/hider] [hider=Personal details] [b]Personality:[/b] **(I know this can be a little difficult at times but I will not accept anything that bypasses or dodges the heading. Sorry.)** [b]Bio:[/b] **(You should have a head full of ideas just waiting to fill this section! PM me or any other GM's if you would like help)** [b]Reason for joining:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [b]Combat prowess:[/b] **(Combat prowess is just your level of physical fighting skill in non-magical fisty-cuffs. Do you squeal and freeze up? Can you fight like a ninja? Are you reliant on your magic or can you handle yourself without it? On rare occasions things may be settled with combat prowess alone and no magic. Ranked same as magic)** [b]Ability:[/b] **(what is your fancy power called?)** [b]Type:[/b] **(ie healing, manifestation, elemental, illusion, creation, gravity, charm, summoning, manipulation, ect ect.)** [b]Rank:[/b] **(refer to ranking section in the OP if needed)** [b]Detail:[/b] **(What's the general principle behind your magic?)** [b]Uses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Offensive-[/i] [*][i]Defensive-[/i] [*][i]Support-[/i] [*][i]Other-[/i] [/list] [/hider][/code][/hider]