[hider= House Bloodborn]House Name: House Bloodborne Head of House: Eremius Bloodborne(Age 47) This man is the most deceiving man you will ever meet, one moment he could act like you are a long time family friend, but a moment later, if it bears advantages to him, he will stab you in the back. It's how he inherited the throne being the second one in line for inheritance, he had both his father and his older brother assassinated so he could inherit the throne. As for his support for the throne, he supports prince Jakinius as they desire to launch another expedition in Nordheim of which they will be part of. House Specialty: Vilespawn Descendants- The children of humans touched by Azureal's corruption, the members of these house, despite looking human, have almost inhuman strength and speed though rarely use it. To add to it, any member of this family is gifted in magic and is not affected by the unpredictable effects of Azureal's eye. House Ancestral Artifact: The Bloodsword- The bloodsword is crimson longsword wielded by the head of the house. The sword pulses and begins emanating an odd energy when blood touches it. While it hasn't been used in centuries, records speak that the sword absorbs the blood of it's victims and turns it into energy, allowing it to launch crimson energy slashes at an enemy. Important Members: Diana Bloodborne(Age 40)- There's the saying "Behind a strong man is a strong woman", in Diana's case, she is stronger then her husband, the king, and her two sons. As any Viringian woman, she is beautiful even at her current age. Some people whisper that she is the true power behind the throne, though those people are killed shortly after whispering this. Damius Bloodborne(Age 38)- Brother to the king, this man has worked his entire life in the political hell of Larial to reach the rank of Lord Marshal of the empire. He is a very somber man and not easily fooled, to add to it, he is incorruptible, meaning that nobody other than the emperor has his true loyalty. Mylar Bloodborne(Age 34)- Youngest brother of the king, he is in charge of the Vileguard. He is a hot-tempered man, and like his people, he values a good fight or battle. Thanks to him, the borders of the realm and the kingdom in itself has been cleaned of any bandits or pirates. Lemius Bloodborne(Age 22)- Heir to the throne, this young man is very brutal and warlike, even more so than his uncle, causing him to be unliked within the royal family, his younger brother being favored for the throne by the people and the nobles. Kalius Bloodborne(Age 20)- Kalius, unlike his own people is a very cold and calculated man, able to feign emotions to fool the people around him. Thanks to him acting benevolent to the population, he is adored by the population and the people of the nation. Nation/Realms Name: The Kingdom of Ardimia Sigil: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fc/75/43/fc754363fce9e4cfc3ef7d18feff3b27.jpg[/img] Flag:[img]https://www.darkknightarmoury.com/images/Category/medium/347.png[/img] House Motto: "War is in our blood!" Region/color on map: Gray would be nice... but I'll take any northern territory. Race name: Virings Racial appearance: The men of these nations are tall and blonde muscular people, as if made for fighting. Meanwhile, the women of the realm are extremely beautiful and desired across the realm, some whisper that they rival the women of the Vialiphate in their beauty. Racial traits: The people of this nation are known for two things, their love for war and their skill in seamanship, having sailed and raided on most of the continents of the world in their dragon headed longships. Capital: Margonius The massive fortress has never in it's history been ever conquered by anyone, not even by Lalaifia herself. As a result of their warlike nature, the Virings of Ardimia have turned this small settlement into a massive unconquered fortress. Capital Population: 50.000 Other Major Settlements: Martianis(45.000)- This massive port city is the pride of Ardimia as it not only holds 60 of it's 80 longships, but it's the kingdoms most valued trading hub as hundreds and even thousands of ships come to this port to trade their goods. Despite this being a nation of raiders, the city in itself has no crime rate whatsoever. Redumair(35.000)- Placed on the borders with Tellaria, this city acts as more of a fortress complex than a city as it was built with the express motive acting as a wall between them and the Tallurians. The Snow Keep(25.000)- One of the two fortresses part of the massive wall bordering the Northen Tribes, this fortress is basically a massive barracks for anyone wishing to enlist in the raiding parties heading towards the north. The Ice Keep(15.000)- This fortress is the second link in the massive wall as it houses the commanders and many of the troops that defends the empire from any possible incursion of the northen people. Population: 282.000 Culture: These people are warriors through and through and it is an honor to die in battle for them. Having borders with the Nordheim, this need of theirs to fight has been kept at bay, however, they grow ever restless now that there is no emperor and even the population has outright supported any Emperor that would be willing to fight with the Nordheim, or anyone else for that matter. Despite all this however, the population has always been loyal to emperor or it's regents, no matter how horrible they would be. Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy- The king has the absolute power, his word is the law as the kings were chosen by Kammeth himself to rule this proud realm of warriors. Influence and relations: Their relations with Khomeria as with most of the realm is shaky thanks to the constant raids on Khomeria. I'll PM some players later to establish the rest a bit later. Military - While the nation mostly depends on levies to muster an army, it has a small core of heavy infantry called the Vileguard, a force used both in defending the populace from the vilespawn and the Nordheim, but also from the internal threats such as bandits. There are about 300 Vileguard roaming the lands in search for bandits or anything that would a threat to the realm. Unit demographics: 2.000 levies - Averagely trained men, usually receiving a wooden oak shield and a long spear, axe, or sword. They are usually the main defense/offense force of the realm. 1.000 raiders armed with a iron longsword or axe and oak shield. Thanks to the mountains supplying them with large amounts of high quality iron. They usually wear light leather armor or chainmail so that their movements are not too restricted. 800 Beserkers- Large men with a wish to die, these massive men wield iron mail armor and usually wield a greatsword, a two handed battleaxe or a war-hammer. 500 Archers: Soldiers wearing leather armor and a bow. Despite viewing hand to hand combat as the best way to fight a man, they give the archers extensive training on how to shoot any enemies. 80 longships, each being able to carry 60 men on them(besides the 30 sailors). These fast ships either rely on the winds or the rowing of the sailors on it to get to their destination. Landscape: Mostly frozen tundra and mountains the southern territories of the kingdom being more fertile and agricultural. Wildlife:(Optional) Economy: The country is certainly not a rich one, but neither is it a poor one, using it's mines and the occasional raid on other continents to supplement it's economy. Religion: Besides Kammeth and Ra-hun-ru, the royal family secretly worships Azureal. History: For their entire history, the people of Aridimia have been raiders and warriors, launching forrays into any territory they can get their hands on even before Lalaifia came and unified the warring tribes. After that, most of their raids have been directed on Nordheim and any enemies of the empire. However, during the reign of weak kings and in between elections, these people have launched large raids on nations part of the empire, two of the most significant being in the years 54 AU in Khomeria and 1112 AU also in Khomeria, both times being repulsed at a great cost to the khomerians and with the Viringians coming back home with massive amounts of loot and gold. Now, during the election they have thrown their full support towards the prince Jakinius, until the elections however, they desire to launch another invasion in their neighbors to the south as now a civil war grips it and it will make the lands easier to plunder. Strengths: Savage warriors- For as long as they remember, these warriors have been the most savage and brutal warriors, making up in brute force and intimidation what they lack in martial discipline. This has also caused them to never retreat from battle as Ra-hun-ru punishes the cowards(in their opinion. Militaristic nation- While the army usually has a set amount of people it's men or women will join the army without a second thought to fight for loot or for their own people in case of an invasion from foreign forces. Seaborn raiders- These men have combined the skills of a sailor and have combined them with the one of a warrior and as such, they can reach any shore of the continent very fast and sack any coastal settlement before a government can react. Loyalty to the king: The people and nobles of this nation are loyal to their king to the point of death and not even in the direst circumstances will they think of overthrowing him. Weaknesses: Low Food- Despite the food in the south of the realm and the fishing in the sea, they often have to import food or raid for it to sustain their growing population. Raiders- The raiding habit of these men have them at bad relations with many nations of the realm and their local populaces. No cavalry- Thanks to the cold weathers, these people have seen horses as a waste of money and resources and have as such abandoned the thoughts of having any cavalry. Export: Iron- These men have too much iron even for themselves and decided to export them. High Quality weapons- A warrior is nothing without his weapons, but what do you when you have too many? You sell them of course. Thralls- These people kidnap people and force them into servitude(not slavery) and are not above selling servants to other nations. Salt- The sea has endless amounts of salt and these men have found out how to extract it and have decided to export it. Import: Food- They have food, but they don't have enough of them, plus their penchant to throw feasts doesn't help either. Luxury goods- Warrior women or not, everyone craves a good golden necklace not ripped from the neck of a enemy.[/hider]