[color=Aqua][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Arianna%20Louise%20Watson%20-%20Gif%2002_zps5jm6gg2q.gif[/img] [h1]Arianna Louise Watson[/h1] [h2]Obstacle Course ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2] [sub]Interacting With: Peter Hasselbaink ([@Gowia]), and Charlie Alexander ([@smarty0114])[/sub][/center][/color] [color=Blue]"Cute little curly-haired healer? I don't know about that..."[/color] [color=Aqua]Feigning an extremely (though obviously) over the top shocked and rather disgusted expression at the fact that he even had to ask about her new little nick-name for his sexy sunny little ass, Arianna shook her head lightly from side to side in disbelief of having to explain something that even she believed should have been more than obvious, even to the most closed off people around them… like Erin. Yeah..! Yeah; everyone was like Erin- wait… that didn’t sound right... Shoving the confusing thought to the back of her mind for later consideration on the topic when she had more time, Ari turned her attention back to the new man in her life that she knew for certain was going to be a pretty good friend to have around- Peter seemed like a pretty cool guy, one that she could most certainly get along with really easily… one who was fun to be around as well; she was certainly going to love hanging around with him. “Haha; pfft..! You’re kidding me right..? You, mister check-out-how-sexy-my-ass-looks-in-these-jeans, are the son of Apollo, and as such, you’re also my new favorite doctor; and don’t you try and forget it, cause I won’t- even if your brother’s get jealous of all the attention I give you…” Not really even taking too much notice of what it was that she was doing as she quickly brought herself around and to a stop in front of him, Arianna quickly though softly closed her right eye, her head tilting ever so slightly to the side and the tip of her tongue cutely poking out from within her mouth, her shoulders swinging lightly back and forth for a few moments as she leant just that little bit closer into his body; seemingly not even caring that the front of her top had dropped forward, giving him the perfect view of her breasts if he so happily wanted it, though the way that he was looking back at her so expectantly caused her mind to work overtime to once more regain her train of thought… You know; he really was pretty cute… shit, what had she been thinking about again..?[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"So you're the new Son of Apollo. I'm Charlie, Son of Athena. Hopefully Arianna here hasn't given you too much trouble. So where were you guys off to?"[/color] [color=Aqua]Seemingly way too focused in on showing around her cute new friend while dishing out as much camp gossip as she possibly could, Arianna hadn’t even noticed the familiar Athena boy as he made his way over and up to the both of them as they wandered away from the area until the sound of his all too familiar voice hit her ears, causing for her to rip her attention away from Peter just long enough to stick her tongue childishly out in Charlie’s direction before finally, she rolled her eyes and once more returned her gaze back over to the son of Apollo with an amused chuckle- there was something going on with Charlie… he wasn’t acting like himself… talking like a squirrel hopped on coffee, grinning wider than the Cheshire Cat; yep, there was something going on alright. Boy had to be in love; he had the hots for someone… now she just had to figure out [i]who[/i] he had the hots for… “Well, if a map of camp is what you’re looking for sexy, than the right guy just ran into us… though he seems to be acting a little off key today; and I should know, I make sure that the keys on Ky’s piano are perfectly pitched every few monkeys or so.” Lifting up the now empty bottle of beer that she was holding in her other hand so that it was directly in front of her eyes, she narrowed them in both confusion and curiosity, as though she wasn’t sure what had happened to the alcohol inside- when in the world had she finished her beer..? “So tell me Charlie-boy… who’s got your glasses all fogged up; cause it’s obvious you got the hots for someone.” [/color]