[center] [color=pink]Nira Seritoka[/color] The Chariot[/center] [hr] As the Hellhound approached Nira and the motley gathering of concerned individuals she barely kept herself from freezing up once more. Of course, by that time she had become well aware that they were in danger, but it simply hadn't been possible to comprehend just how much so. After all, how was one supposed to fear monsters long after they had ceased to believe in such myths and fairytales? There was no feasable threat in her mind that she could have compared this to. Staggering back a step behind the more fool... [I]headstrong[/I] of their little group, she stumbled back slowly towards the rear of the carriage - taking as much care as one could when mortally terrified not to get in the way or bump into anyone. A weak whimper caught in her throat where it became a paniced choking sound. There was nothing they could do - nowhere they could run it hide and no way in hell that they could reason with that... that [I]monster.[/I] And without ceremony or due attention, the imp was gone. Swatted into oblivion by the beast. [colour=pink]"Oh no."[/colour] She murmured softly - the sound of panic building in her voice. [colour=pink]"No, no, no... this isn't real. This isn't happening. It's all just a nightmare. A bad dream..."[/colour] A tear ran down her cheek as Nira's eyes closed tightly, desperately trying to block out the horror ahead of her. She trembled, shaking as she waited. Nothing: of course she didn't wake up, this ordeal was as real as her own fear. A sharp pain in the palm of her right hand caused her to look downwards to see a think line of blood seeping from between the fingers of her clenched fist, where she had forgotten that she had been holding the imp's compass. From all around, the others were shouting unfamiliar words and phrases - yet more monsters appearing and doing... [I]something.[/I] Hopeless. Useless. Pitiful. She would be better off just cowering away. She couldn't help - would only make matters worse. She had never really helped at anything anyway, hadn't she been useless here as well? When people needed to band together she had divided them by being concerned over the wrong person, that's what they had said hadn't they? Terrible. Stupid. Weak... The image of the Imp - extinguished by what he had called a friend that he had no chance to stand against - filled her mind. [Colour=pink]"P... Per..."[/colour] He didn't [i]deserve[/i] that. She didn't deserve this. None of it was fair - why him? Why her? Why was this happening? Another tear. A part of her wanted to fight - not to save herself but simply to lash out of the world around her. To not go quietly into the night as she should but to throw everything she had at the situation as she knew her father would want her to. [Colour=pink]"so..."[/colour] Not even lash out, just stand up for something. To achieve something just this once - even if it was just some small act of defiance before her end. Perhaps some form of vengance for the tiny imp. Anything - she just didn't want to die cowering like a child. Her eyes snapped open - reflecting the fire of the Hellhound before her as her mind snapped back to reality. Her senses became her own again, though she wasn't certain that she was in full control of her actions. Words seemed to be forming in her mouth that she had no control over. A power washed over her body - like a fire in her very soul. For a moment it felt like she could achieve anything and it was terrifying... though what scared her most was that she kind of liked it. [Colour=pink]"...na."[/colour] Lifting an arm to her face, she wiped away the moisture from her eyes. In her other hand the compass lay. It could not be described as resting there: there was a distinct feeling of energy - of power - radiating from it. Nira could feel something else, something she could only describe as a bond of sorts. In her minds eye a six-winged figure swam into view. Hazy and ethereal, but unquestionably [i]there[/i] - sone kind of angel... or deamon. [I][Colour=gold]Fighting even when hope has faded is what overcomes the impossible.[/colour][/i] It seemed to whisper into her very head. In the background, her eyes barely registered the battle taking place in front of her. [I][colour=gold]I am thou, and thou art I. Go forth and wield miracles.[/colour][/i] She blinked, and the angel was gone. The sound of battle filled her head. Most of their number stood strong, save for Nao. Nao who had showed a level of compassion and level-headedness. Who hadn't jumped down her throat for showing concern. She was hurt - evidently having taken the brunt of the creatures attack. It was a wonder she was still standing at all. [Colour=pink]"Persona!"[/colour] Nira shouted - voice wavering yet clear as the angel appeared before her in a haze of golden light. [colour=pink]"Seraphim, help them! Dia!"[/colour] She had no idea what she was saying, but the angel obeyed without question. It was a surreal feeling - more akin to an extension of her will than a seperate entity, it was almost as of the words were pointless and the creature had known her intentions even before she had stated them. With a sweeping of it's wings the light eminating from its body was directed towards Nao with an almost musical whistling.