The faint smile that formed on Kuon’s lips were barely noticeable, but if one were to pay enough attention they’d notice an unmistakable change in the felines features. The bored narrowed eyes opening ever so slightly, and the empty stone-like expression softening to accommodate a touch of engaged interest that seldom came to the surface. “Good” were the only words that left the feline’s lips as Ozzy confirmed that Barnaby wasn’t here just to see the larger bearskin off. Though that quickly changed when the golden orbs noticed Ozzy staring down at him with keen interest. A look of alarmed disapproval immediately blanketing the feline’s features as they shook their head furiously in denial. “Not that I care or anything… I just thought it’d be a pain if you couldn’t sleep at night… or something” Kuon blurted, although his tone of voice hadn’t changed all that much, the way in which the words clashed together indicated a slight, but definitive moment of chaotic confusion within the cat’s mind. While Kuon was accustomed to much larger men looming over him… [s]thanks to a certain Waldo.[/s] the feline couldn’t have possibly expected another creature within the realms of the living to act in a selfish fashion much akin to that of Waldo. The booming apology, coupled with the abrupt grabbing knocked Kuon into a state of startled confusion, before the feline immediately began to struggle against the vice-like restraints wrapped around them. Kicking and flailing and best they could, Kuon even attempted to yell at the bearskin in protest, but the sound was completely muffled against the others form. And despite the ferocious expression of disapproval, Ozzy didn’t see fit to put the feline down until they themselves had enough of physically assaulting the furious cat. “Good, cause it’s the last thing you’ll see before I claw your eyes out” Kuon grumbled, almost inaudibly as he swiftly scooted out of the bearkin’s reach range. The supposedly cute ears pressing flat against the ebon dark hair, while the frizzled dark tail bristled unhappily in an upright position. As loathe as Kuon was to admit it, they’d been after a bear hug… though for starters the wrong bear was involved, and in Kuon’s mind the feline had been the one administering the embrace. [hr] A ridiculously wide grin also formed upon Waldo’s lips as the cast of characters around him began bathing him with gratitude and praise. It had barely been a few minutes and he could already sense how humbled they were by his regal presence. Just one look in their eyes and he could tell the men and women alike admired him for his wealth, power, and of course good looks. “Nonsense, nonsense my dear little friends” Waldo shook his head dismissively, the curved layers of skin beneath his chin wobbling furiously as he did so. “And what place does such formalities have between friendship like ours? Please dear children, call me Waldo” he insisted, clapping his hands loudly together suddenly to divert the attention of the remainder to himself. Anyone with a keen eye though would have noticed the delighted twitch of ecstasy in the moose brown moustache, when Ozzy referred to him as “Master.” “I do believe we are a few short, but I shan’t keep you beautiful creatures waiting any longer… Kitten!” [hr] It was almost as if Kuon had disappeared and then reappeared several feet away within the span of a split second. They’re sudden appearance by Waldo’s side seeming almost magical, one would almost be forced to consider the possibility that there were two Kuon’s… though the hostile glare of disapproval shot in Ozzy’s general direction indicated there was none other. “Pleased to be of acquaintance” Kuon started, bowing their heads respectfully at the group, as they lifted either side of their maid-skirt in a polite curtsey. “My name is Kuon and I have humbly been tasked with the role of making your stay here as pleasantly comfortable as possible.” Taking a quick breath, there was a hint of practiced ingenuity in the feline’s voice, but the tone wasn’t disrespectful enough for others to immediately pinpoint that the feline didn’t mean a single word they were spouting. “The Rotting Wheel Inn as you may have noticed consists of two floors. The first floor consists of a leisurely lobby area, dining and kitchen… When you enter the building you’ll noticed a flight of stairs taking you up to the second floor. There are four… ensuite rooms here at the Rotting Wheel, and my benevolent whale of an overlord… ahem, has allocated you all with a room and a roommate.” “As you climb the staircase; The first room shall be shared between Sir Lapis, and Lady Yennifer…” Kuon paused, glancing at the two mentioned individuals in turn as Kuon had already looked over photo-attached application papers, memorizing the names and details of each resident had been the first task they’d busied themselves with. “Room two shall be shared between Sir Torao, and her Highness Nixie… who appears to be running late.” Kuon added, not even giving the first pair a chance to argue being arranged into mixed gender rooms. “Room three shall be shared between Sir Barnaby, Lady Tenne…. and Sir Ozzy… I suppose” Kuon continued, the façade of politeness cracking completely for a moment as golden eyes glanced over at the bearskin with evident distaste. “The final room shall be shared between Lady Leda and… another who has yet to arrive…. If there are any pieces of luggage you would like me to take up to your room, please leave them in the lobby, and I shall take them up within the hour. I sincerely hope you all enjoy your stay here at the Rotting Wheel, and look forward to serving you will patient diligence… as I’m sure I’ll be needing it.” The last part was whispered, but stated loud enough for all to hear.