[hider=Otto Von Kruger] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cRhbaPlb2Yc/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Otto Von Kruger [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Combat support officer 1st Class, Medic, Combat Engineer [b]Investigator Rank:[/b] First Class [b]Appearance: [/b] Height: 5'7" Weight: 165 lbs Otto's appearance remains a mystery to most people, as a combination of prudent caution, and lingering paranoia incline him to keep his armour on at nearly all times. However, even in full armour he is a relatively thin chap, hardly built for frontline fighting. His wiry build however does predispose him to more subtle operations and despite his armour his movements are deft and nimble. [b]Personality:[/b] Reclusive by nature, Otto can come across as rather eccentric. A man more used to the company of machines that he is other human beings he finds social encounters to be somewhat awkward affairs, and tends to avoid them by habit. However, there are three things that bring Otto out of his shell. Firstly his research, when knee deep in cogs, surrounded by log after log of kinetic data or pulling pipes apart Otto is virtually ecstatic even in the most dire of situations. He will happily talk somebody's ear off about even the most mundane piece of technology if given the chance. The second thing is during surgery, whilst he might not seem like a natural doctor Otto is quite the astute surgeon. His years in the army support corps ensured that he received a detailed education in this regard. So whilst he's not exactly jubilant during surgery, and is rather businesslike by all accounts he certainly becomes rather more assertive. The final thing that really gets Otto out of his shell is combat. The thrill of explosions, the potential to test new technology and to put his theories to the test excites him to no end. [b]Biography:[/b] Otto was born in a far off country that he has long forgotten the name of. He and his family left when he was about 3 coming to settle in Aegis Luna. For a while the family thrived running a small technology company specialising in micro-clockwork. Otto spent most of his formative years in the shop with his father working on various pieces of technology. When he was old enough he enlisted with the military of Aegis Luna as a way to earn his citizenship. He studied hard, and fought even harder when given the opportunity and was made a Combat Support Officer 1st class specialising in medicine and engineering. When the Mangled Ones started to appear in the city centre Otto and his unit of support operatives found themselves in the thick of the early fighting. Slowing the advance of the Mangled ones one minute, they'd be patching wounded comrades back together the next. The work was unrelenting and seemed to barely be stemming the tide the sporadic outbreaks proving impossible to quell completely. In 452 Otto signed up with the The Consortium, trying to put his 1st hand experience and specialist skill set to better use to combat the growing threat. The trials pushed him hard even with his extensive military experience, however he made it through and is now eager for a chance to try and put down this threat once and for all. [b]Equipment: [/b] Energy Generated Weapon: Pistol Lantern Primary Weapon: Augmented Mauser Pistol Support officer armour (This advanced piece of equipment provides Otto with a decent measure of protection in a fight as well as several other key features. Firstly the advanced helmet includes night vision apparatus as well as acting as a gas mask to filter out potential toxins. Secondly the suit augments Otto's strength and endurance, compensating for his natural deficiency in these areas. Lastly the armour serves to power his other pieces of equipment, although the armour itself must be charged on occasion. Combat Engineer Interface (an advanced wrist mounted multi-tool. This powerful device allows Otto to fulfil his role as a combat engineer by providing him with access to any of the tools he could require in a combat scenario (including a short range grapple able to life him clear off the ground). Its compact design means that whilst it is extremely versatile it barely weighs anything, a testament to Otto's skill for micro-clockwork.) Combat Medic Interface (another piece of wrist mounted equipment, Otto's medical interface allows him to carry out basic surgery in the field. Whilst more useful in an actual operating theatre, the medic interface can be used in combat situations to stitch wounds, inject painkillers etc.) [/hider]