[center][h1][b]Episode 1: Light in Darkness[/b][/h1] May 35, 2250, Red Rock Mining Facility, New Earth [img]http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae38/GraniaGrasioc/Role%20Play%20Images/sci-fi/SRCNeodymiumAndYttriumMiningComplex.jpg[/img][/center] For ten long years the humans of New Earth have been under the iron grip of Galatec, the intergalactic mega corporation. They have been forced to toil in mines, work in factories, and some precious few privileged have been recruited into the office work for long hours with no benefits and far too little pay. Bodies and minds are broken from overwork, and the worst crime of all is that most people don't even realize it. Galatec is a mind bogglingly vast and complicated machine, with more methods than even the Board of Directors know about. Many of those methods have been utilized here on New Earth, brainwashing the population into acceptance and obedience. Food and water have chemical additives, the lights themselves shine with a wavelength that dulls independence and resistance, and propaganda permeates the media, the streets, and your homes. A very small percentage of people are, for reasons unknown, immune to this brainwashing, and have taken the fight to Galatec. However they are completely overwhelmed, for not only does their enemy possess far greater numbers and firepower, they have to fight against the citizens they attempt to liberate, who brand them terrorists. Their efforts are, sadly, doomed to failure. In an act of desperation, the largest force of resistance fighters, the Alpha Division, have chosen to throw all their men into one last attack on the Red Rock Mining Facility, the largest concentration of human slave labor on New Earth. However, the Regional Manager of New Earth Space, Ruthalia Tro’liant Hert’yas Morphento, has picked up their communications. She knows they plan to hit with everything they've got. Truly, their efforts are doomed to failure, but not all is lost. Deep within the intricate mines of Red Rock is a man, a wise alien creature, who casts off with the tyrannical ways of Galatec, and his assistant. Together they conspire to bring new hope to the world, a new team of fighters using technology stolen from Galatec itself. Legends and historical tapes tell of many teams that have battled with evil before, defending humanity and many peaceful alien worlds. Legends of the mighty Power Rangers. It is today, on May 35, 2250, that a new team shall rise to battle evil, but they will have an uphill fight. Their victories shall be met with just as many loses, but if they cannot persevere, then New Earth is doomed. Today is the uprising! Today we fight back! Today is the birth of... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0KWHaC5.png?1[/img][/center] [hider=Samara Morgan]Samara finds herself inside the secret lair, an old abandoned mining post. It had been scheduled for decommission (read: blown up) months ago, but a little misfiling of the paperwork preserved it, and now everyone that matters in Galatec believes it to be gone. Well, everyone that shouldn't know. The lights inside had been rewired by her partner, so now while they were attached to the power grid, they only projected neutral light, rather than that Galatec brainwashing wavelength. Here she was safe, and here the plan was to begin. Samara's partner, mentor really, sat on a work table, wearing dark tinted glasses as he fiddled with the wiring of a small device, some kind of wristband with a red crystal. She had done some work on them herself, so she knew exactly what it was: the red Photon Morpher. The last of the six morphers that they were fixing up, and just on time, too. If everything went according to plan, the five special ones were to be here today, at Red Rock Mining Facility. Then she and her partner could activate the Refraction Displacement System and teleport them to base. Recruit them. And together they could take the fight to Galatec. Samara and her partner had a heck of a time finding people who would be... Open to the idea of fighting against such a behemoth. It took months of searching, of stalking and hacking computer systems, but they found them. The five people that would become, that [i]had[/i] to become her partners. Michael Sonnen. Jonah Fallen. Oliver Johnson. Tommy Reese. And Clementine Mayweather. It would only be a matter of time before they could all be gathered. Assuming things went according to plan. [color=white]"I've finished it!"[/color] called out Samara's partner, pulling off the tinted glasses and setting down his wiring tools. [color=white]"The red photon morpher has been restored, Samara! Just in time."[/color][/hider] [hider=Ruth and Adelram]Fools. Pitiful, idiotic, suicidal fools. They called themselves Alpha Division, and they planned to attack Red Rock Mining Facility in a desperate attempt to free the slaves here. As if any of the slaves [i]wanted[/i] to be free. Still, the largest resistance force, 300 men and women, presented an opportunity. Wiping them out would be a fantastic show of strength to deter any other stupid humans that were immune to reconditioning, as well as ridding Galatec New Earth Division of their strongest foe. The idiots didn't even use an encrypted transmission when passing the orders to their squads. In preparation for this great victory, Regional Manager Ruth and General Adelram Drax made the decision to personally oversee the security at Red Rock. Their presence would prove to be... Influential. Together they were positioned in the command room of Red Rock, where the site foreman oversaw all operations. Foreman Jo'ones, a reptilian alien six feet tall with fire red scales, approached the two as his assistants worked at their computer terminals. "Sirs, the facility is operating at nominal efficiency. Profit margins are up .2% and production of oranium has maintained steady numbers. I still don't understand why you chose to visit my facility. Is production displeasing in some way?"[/hider] [hider=Clementine and Jonah]Fate conspired to bring these two unknowns together. Sure, fate. Let's call it that. In no way was there a transfer request put in by someone behind the scenes. So much paperwork was filed, who even knows what purpose it all serves? In any situation, Clementine was brought to Red Rock by their Accounting Director. The same Accounting Director that recently requested the bodyguarding services of one Jonah Fallen. The three sat, or stood, in a small meeting room barely large enough to hold the table they were supposed to discuss matters at. Two security cameras were positioned in opposite corners of the room, barely noticeable unless you knew what to look for. Accounting Director Shplorn, an alien resembling a human save for the bright florescent green hair, pulled up some documents on the holo-screen for Clementine's benefit. "-And here are the profit and loss statements for the previous fiscal quarter. Now it's your job to comb over all the details and look for any funny business. We suspect someone may be laundering funds. Now be sure to triple check the numbers and-OH DEAR LORD WHAT IS THAT?! KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!" Shplorn freaked out, unjustly so, at the sight of a common spider crawling across the table. Nevertheless, she gave the orders to her bodyguard. Jonah had learned in the few hours he was put in her employ that she was a rather... Jumpy creature. Overly cautious, one might say. Terrified of her own shadow was more like it.[/hider] [hider=Oliver and Tommy]Deep within level thirteen of the mines, two young men found themselves toiling together. They had been paired up for only the last three hours. Oliver had only been assigned to work in Red Rock for three days. Three days of having been beaten and chained, under the constant watch of at least three githkin. They knew of his immunity to reconditioning, so it was the only way. His partner didn't have it much better, but for completely different reasons. Tommy was scrawny, malnourished, but always optimistic about their situation. Due to the differences in their physiques, Tommy had been assigned to crawl into tight spaces and survey, while Oliver was assigned the heavy duty work. If Oliver didn't comply, well, then the githkin would get unpleasant. The two worked far away from any other teams, with a hover-cart filling up with some kind of red glowing ore. Tommy had seen this ore before, but didn't know what it was. For Oliver, this was a first time experience. What was this substance they were forced to unearth? Galatec wouldn't tell, but maybe time would... "Faster!" cried one of the githkin, cracking a metal whip in Oliver's direction.[/hider] [hider=Michael]Michael entered Red Rock for the first time. For reasons he didn't know, he had been transferred here from his previous mining job back in Dumas. The trip took hours, and was boring as all hell, but now he was here, going through processing and being given the familiar tools of the trade. Pick axe, rope, bottle of water, these were all routine for him. What he didn't expect, couldn't have expected, was the three blasting sticks he was given. The requisitions officer provided them to him like they were any other piece of equipment, like nothing was out of the ordinary at all. That's when Michael noticed something on the paperwork. The document detailed him as a class 2 miner, with all the access and privilege that came with the title. Back home he never progressed beyond a class 5 miner. What was with the special treatment? One of the perks of being class 2 was working alone, unsupervised. He was given a map and told to find his way to level 9 of mine shaft 27, where it would be his job to search for new ore veins and blast open new tunnels in weak structure. Something was definitely wrong, he never received that kind of training. This day was getting bizarre...[/hider]