[center][h2]Thoris, Lark's Chambers[/h2] [sub]I think you call people heroes [i]after[/i] they do something heroic[/sub][/center] [color=forestgreen]"Okay, hold on, just about everything needs to slow down, Prince Blondie."[/color] Ainra stepped forward, looking around and folding her arms, taking a good look at the tree's throne room, as well as Jenso, Reiley, and Maple, before settling her gaze on Lark. [color=forestgreen]"I did [b]not[/b] walk all the way to town to miss out on all of the festival crap because of bowling ball men. I also didn't come over to get thrown into a sack and carried around by your subterranean lackeys. And last of all, I didn't come here to listen to some guy on a throne in a tree talk about star prophecies."[/color] Ainra's eyes narrowed a little, her face turning into a scowl. [color=forestgreen]"I'm hungry, my head hurts, and my vacation's ruined. I don't feel like being a hero, I feel like taking a nap. So give me one good reason to listen to your prophecy instead of turning around and going home."[/color] She began tapping her fingers against her arm impatiently; she looked just about ready to claw up some more stuff (or innocent bystanders) if she didn't get her way, or at least calmed down somehow.