[url=http://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rae&name=Signerica_Thin.ttf&size=60&style_color=DBA0DB[/img][/url][hr][hr]Rae laughed as she ran, reveling in the feeling of freedom. [color=plum]"Natural talent,"[/color] she called over her shoulder at the boy's question, flashing a cheeky smile. Seeing him so far behind her lit her eyes up with satisfaction. Her smirk grew and she pushed herself even faster. She skidded to a stop when she finally found herself before the massive black tower. Her breath came in puffs. Her smile started to fall as an expression of wonder and curiosity took over her face. The outer wall was sleek and shining, climbing impossibly high into the air. Rae stared up at it, trying to make out what could have made it. And why. The boy behind her was all but forgotten. Slowly, Rae raised a hand and reached out. The tips of her fingers touched the solid black material. The [i]whoosh[/i] of something cutting through the air was her only warning as an arrow embedded itself in her left shoulder. The force of the impact caused her to stumble back, and it was all Rae could do to keep from falling over completely. Stunned, she looked down at herself. A thin, wooden shaft was protruding out of her, just below where her collarbone met her shoulder. Crimson blood was already blooming like a flower on her skin. Rae could only stare at it in stunned silence. Then the pain registered. It arced like lightening through her body, forcing tears to her eyes. Her mouth dropped open, a strangled sound of pain escaping her. Her right hand reached up to grasp the arrow. The movement was jarring, sending more pain shooting through her. Rae looked up, still in shock, to try and find the source of the attack.