[@Rune_Alchemist] As the girl spoke Decimus noted that there was something off about her. He was about to say something when the next thing he knew Romulus had bounded forward and knocked one of the legionaries to the ground. The legionary was rightfully terrified and started for his sword, before noticing that the great beast had swatted something off of him. The wolf growled as the snake slithered on the ground, Decimus looked at the creature. Without hesitation he raised the pilum he was holding and threw it skewering the snake, as it writhed in the dust he laughed at the girls comments before replying [color=9e0b0f]'We did weaken the warriors of Egypt first, but that wasn't our only advantage.'[/color] He paused for a moment collecting the pilum from where it protruded from the ground and handed it to the legionary that Romulus had saved, who was now getting to his feet. [color=9e0b0f]'We had many advantages in conquering this land: better training, better discipline, better weapons, superior numbers, superior tactics, and of course we were lead here by the divine Caesar's themselves, who in turn were guided by Jove and Mars in their wise course'.[/color] He ignored her quip about the gods not caring for them, and even ignored the insults she levelled at them directly. He didn't need to make an example of her to show the true power of Rome. If he wanted to he could put this entire city to the torch, he could kill anyone he cared to, and all because he was a Roman. The thought filled him with pride as it always did, and he ordered the company onwards at double time to make up the time they'd lost. He looked at the girl one last time before rejoining his troops at a brisk pace, he trooped along the line easily coming to the head of the column, Romulus following at his heel. The troops carried on at this brisk pace until they entered the forum, here Decimus brought them to a halt. [color=9e0b0f]'Legionaries!'[/color] he shouted in Latin [color=9e0b0f]'Today has thus far been a good day, I say make offerings to Mars and Jupiter then return to the camp and test your arm at the post.'[/color] His men dispersed swiftly, some heading straight to the various shrines, others heading to the market stands to buy fitting offerings. Decimus meanwhile marched straight towards the temple of Mars. As he did so the great doors leading into the temple, swung open seemingly of their own accord as he approached. Decimus entered, and was immediately hit by the smell of blood. An offering had been made, and recently. [i]That should please father[/i] he thought, before proceeding to an alcove to offer prayer, and to commune with his father in peace.