Marcus walked up to the truck taking a look at it first then looking down the road. He smiled a little bit before looking into the passenger side door. "Well we still have a few hours to kill before night fall, and I don't think I'll be a fan of a flannel jacket in this heat." He chuckled and reached for the door opening up the door and climbing inside before shutting the door. He fixed his seat before looking over at Rogue. "Thanks for this by the way. Pretty rare to come across a decent human being now days. Last person I came across stabbed me in the shoulder and made off with a bunch of my stuff." Marcus chuckled and shook his head a little bit. "It hurt like hell...but oh well." He shrugged his shoulders and leaned on his door looking out in front of him. "So how much gas do you have left? If you don't have much I'm sure we can check every car we across for some...if some one hasn't gotten to them before else that is."