[hider=Opallum's Relationships] [center][h1][color=f26522]Opallum[/color][/h1] [img][/img][/center] [center][color=4169E1][b][u]Blake Preston[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Her? Fun as hell to be around, I can imagine. She's like a firecracker -- an inferno, rather -- that never dies down, y'know?"[/i][/center] She might be insane. Love her energy, though. Super laid back, too. Surprised she doesn't get into more fights, what with all that fire-in-the-heart gusto she has going on. And she's pretty fun-sized, which is definitely one of my preferences when it comes to women. Hope she sticks around. [center][color=91c5ab][b][u]Daniel Belson[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Mmm . . . Only seen that guy around once or twice, maybe. He seems . . . Alright? I'unno."[/i][/center] Don't know enough about the fellow. For all I know, he could be a sod or a genuinely nice guy. Until I meet him properly, I'll stay neutral with this one. [center][color=f9d66c][b][u]Alistair Queen[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Rich vamp. I've shared a conversation with him once -- a short one. I've got to praise him for the work he's doing. Really helping out."[/i][/center] He's like a guardian of some sort for the people in this borough. I'm probably just thinking that because he's the landlord, but . . . Putting himself out there and assisting all these Others is just . . . good? Yeah. Not sure what he's like on the inside. Probably just as empty and unfulfilled as the rest of the elderly vampires lounging around. [center][color=thistle][b][u]Mariska Costas[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Heard that girl singing when I passed by a joint and decided to step in. She's got that voice, no question. Strange genre of sound, though. Can't tell if its jazz or bossa nova -- or maybe a mixture. Interesting, uhm . . . hairdo, too.[/i][/center] Stylish. Seems like a tomboy, in my opinion. Don't know much else about the lady. Should try to get to know her eventually. [center][color=plum][b][u]Nikita Yankovsky[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Hott. With two t's."[/i][/center] I've caught her walking around the city before. Nice legs. Could do with less make-up, maybe. Don't know much else about her. [center][color=6ecff6][b][u]Mordred Hame[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Mordred . . . Hame. Oh, right! I've seen him around. Dig the white hair."[/i][/center] Some passerbys were conversing and I overheard them talking about him. No insults or anything like that, but just an idle 'yeah, he's pretty cool' and something about his music, I think. Then, another time, when I was loitering around in some alleyway, these two guys came through and were going on about him. I couldn't tell what else they were saying, unfortunately, because they were speaking so damn quickly and silently. [center][color=92A9A7][b][u]John Taylor[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Good ol' Johnny Boy. Yeah, I've shared a drink or two with him. He's got a nice beard."[/i][/center] To be honest, I can't recall a single one of the conversations we've shared. I know that I've spoken with him before, but I just . . . My memory is trash when it comes to things like verbal discourse, sadly. I'm sure he's a great guy. I'm sure if I asked him for a favor or two he'd gladly help out, so there's that. [center][color=#2f556b][b][u]Eve Lumière[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She gives me alcohol whenever I've scraped together enough money to afford a drink. She's good in my book."[/i][/center] Succubus, for sure. Has to be. Her face is . . . weird, though. Otherwise, she's pretty attractive. Also pretty sociable for a bartender -- at least, from my own personal experiences. [center][color=wheat][b][u]Catharine Reid[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I'm . . . not too sure who that is. Seems familiar, but I can't quite put my coin on it."[/i][/center] I might have seen her around. Don't think I've spoken with her, though. [center][color=#ff8d00][b][u]Andrew Mordekai[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Sick tattoos. Almost makes me want to get some."[/i][/center] He seems real tense. Always looks like he's prepared to have a fight with someone. I always like to think that he's some Jason Bourne-esque guy who's being hunted down or something. Past ties, enemies chasing him, laying low for now -- that kind of stuff. The entire idea of that actually being true is stupid, but . . . Who knows. [center][color=yellowgreen][b][u]Suriel White[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Suriel . . . ? Sounds like . . . Mmph. No, I don't think I've heard of her -- him? Her? Her. Sounds like a girl's name."[/i][/center] I've never had the pleasure of meeting this lady. Although, the "-iel" component of their name raises some suspicion within me. This suffix is . . . Angelic-sounding. [center][color=f2f3f4][b][u]Miles Catrose[/u][/b][/color] [i]"From what I've gathered, he sounds like an even cunt-ier version of that one American pop star. Justin Beaver? Bieber. Looks like him too, in my opinion."[/i][/center] I do like people, but he's probably the last person I want to hang around. [center][color=baa880][b][u]Yukiko Abe[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Not sure who that is."[/i][/center] Should meet her at some point. [center][color=a4d1cf][b][u]Mona[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Huh?"[/i][/center] No goddamn clue who that is. [center][color=a392b2][b][u]Faron Romane[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Uh . . . "[/i][/center] I can't tell if that's a name for a girl or a name for a guy. [center][color=khaki][b][u]Nicolas Black[/u][/b][/color] [i]"A cop? Eeh . . . Kudos to him for keeping our streets safe."[/i][/center] I hope he doesn't approach me. I do not like dealing with the police. I mean, they're probably nice, but . . . I don't know. I'm wary around them. [center][color=BDB76B][b][u]Maggie Spencer-Adyemi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Cool girl."[/i][/center] College student, and that's about all I know. There are plenty other college students, so I really don't talk or focus on just one. She must be alright, though. Most students are. [center][color=FF8C00][b][u]Megumi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Asian child? Oh yeah, I've seen her around! Adorable, really."[/i][/center] I see her walking about with that Alistair fellow. Maybe he's her . . . bodyguard? I don't fucking know. [center][color=3247BA][b][u]Katharine Haynes[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Oh, uh . . . I think I might know them? Oh, wait, I think I've spoken with her before. Yeah! The Early Bean, that was it. When I finally get my hands on enough dosh and go to the Bean to buy some coffee, she's there sometimes. Nice enough, especially when she knows that I'm a bum."[/i][/center] I generally tend to view those who give me things well. Don't know her personally. [center][color=e5748b][b][u]Felix Underwood[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I've never seen the guy around."[/i][/center] No one I know all too well. [center][color=B0C4DE][b][u]Elise Callaghan[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Sorry, not a clue."[/i][/center] Nothing up in my head about her . . . [center][color=aba000][b][u]Claire O'Malley[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Uhm . . . Eh."[/i][/center] Yeah, no. I don't know this girl. [center][color=00aeef][b][u]Barachiel Alexander Eamon[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Some posh-looking fellow. All I know."[/i][/center] There's that "-iel" again. Fishy, fishy . . . [center][color=00FF7F][b][u]Ethan Cooper[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Not a clue."[/i][/center] Seriously, I don't know this person . . . [center][color=mediumseagreen][b][u]Alfie Liau[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Heh. The chocolatier, yeah?"[/i][/center] I haven't had chocolate in years. Maybe I should try and get a few dollars together and try to buy some. Even a few pieces would suffice. I bet the kid is nice, though. [/hider] finally finished this. and there's only more characters being added every time ;^ (