[hider=Filler][h1]Throne of the fields of Aaru[/h1] Osiris watched sorrowfully as his sister-wife Isis vanished from in front of him. Isis always visited at this time of year, for this is when they had wed an age ago. Though she came and left with a smile he could feel the sadness inside of her. Knowing that she carries the burden of his death, that his son had to grow up without a father. No matter how many times Osiris will tell her that she is blameless in the matter it would only seem to worsen her grief. He can't worry about that though, not anymore; not as a ruler of his own underworld. There were thousands of souls that requires his help...but perhaps she knows that, perhaps that's why she hides her grief. Without even realising it he'd began thinking about her again. [color=fff200]"My mind wanders without permission, I must distract it."[/color] At that moment he felt a twinge, a twinge he always feels when someone has called for the truth to be revealed. A slight smile grew upon the face of the agitated God. [h2]Plains of Egypt[/h2] A man and woman argue outside a straw hut, while a small crowd was gathering in the surrounding area to watch as the man betrayed the woman for sleeping with another. [color=f6989d]"How could you do this to me? What did you..."[/color] The peasants pleas was cut off by blinding light that felt like fire upon his retinas. After recovering the man looked around to see everyone on their hands and knees in a sign of prostration. [color=f6989d]"What is going on?"[/color] His wife wide-eyed looking straight through him, [color=ec008c]"W-w-what have you done?"[/color] [color=fff200]"He has called me with good cause, don't you believe? The betrayal of a heart is the most cowardice of all."[/color] The God paused to see their reactions. The wife was pale white and completely frozen with fear while the farmer had joined everyone else on the ground saying a prayer under his breath. [color=fff200]"Oh lord, get up! I care not for your reverence."[/color] The farmer rose quickly and apologised for his callousness. [color=fff200]"You mortals are always so fearful. I am no danger as long as one does not harbour evil intent. Now you, peasant-wife, come here."[/color] She stepped towards the towering Deity, shaking with every footfall and murmuring apologies to seek forgiveness. Osiris leaned down, face to face with the tearful woman. His eyes an incandescent yellow that seemed to emit a stream of light straight into hers. The God stood upright while the wife collapsed to her knees. Osiris sighed before giving his verdict. ... [color=fff200]"Guilty."[/color] This calling broke the farmer not wanting to believe his wife would do this. The man cried to the floor. Osiris didn't care for the aftermath though, only that justice be done. He grabbed her arm burning a flaming sigil onto it. Marking her as a malicious liar but also denying her access to the fields of Aaru. Though it looked like truth had caused only pain, in time, they would come to understand the necessity of knowing. [color=fff200]"Shem Em Hotep."[/color] Osiris vanished back to his throne...or at least he should have. Confused, he looked around so nothing out of place but felt a great strife had fallen upon Egypt. What had happened while away and why hasn't Isis told him about this? In order to find answers he teleported to a place surging with hate. A place that shouldn't be filled with hate. [/hider] [h3]Temple of Sekhmet[/h3] Appearing in the annex, Osiris looked around to see flames and destruction. Romans running past outside. Speaking quietly to himself, [color=fff200]"This is outrageous. What has happened here?" [/color] [@Hamstrong]