[h1] [color=tan] Sutekh, The Angry Lord of Sand [/color] [/h1] Set's smile was eerie- the kind of sickly smile a psychopath lets slowly spread upon seeing something amusing. He turns his calm gaze to the newcomer. [color=Tan]"You have not earned any such right to be so Bold around me, oh Viper. But I will not punish you for it. I respect it. Just as I respect Apophis."[/color] He chuckles [color=tan]"Though I do suggest, unless you want to be acquainted with my child Anubis, that you too learn some respect. and to you, my name is Sutekh, or Seth, unless you learn that respect. I am still your Elder, despite being a rival of your Father. Besides, only a fool would focus on the Roman's homes so soon- first we return Egypt to the Pharaohs. Then we burn the invaders colonies. Then we take the war to them... But home always comes first, Home is where family lies."[/color] Oh yes. Apophis. The snake. A vicious creature- but honestly, Egypt is a snake, it lies in wait for its time to strike. Perhaps one of its first defenders besides himself will be his old foe. he could think of no one else more suited, Set and Apophis, a terrifying team to be sure, but if only he could convince or coerce others into joining. Talking to that 'Cat' may even further things still! Yes. Gather all the 'vile' and 'violent' gods, what better response than to show thee invaders True destruction.