[center][h2]Thoris, Lark's Chambers[/h2] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0yFyW7Ysps]Totally not gay,[/url] but back to the prophecy.[/sub] [/center] Ainra's gaze shifted sharply towards Reiley as she hand touched her, and she almost snapped about it. However, she calmed down upon Reiley actually agreeing with her. The other one in the room with the spiky hair seemed like he was already ready to save the people. Whether that was ignorant or heroic is a debatable point. Even after explaining, Lark was being vague about what exactly the Krunk Legion's evil was. That, alongside just about everything else Lark did, was grating on Ainra's short temper. She didn't have anything to do with any of this, and she didn't [b]want[/b] to have anything to do with this. Still... The girl sighed, and cracked her neck once. [color=forestgreen]"Alright Snark, since I [b]am[/b] kind of pissed at the ball-guys for ruining my vacation and whacking me in the back of the head, I'll play along and help break them to bits. I'm doing it for [b]me[/b] though, and not your stupid star prophecy whatever."[/color]