[center][b]Shores of Athens[/b][/center] Aphrodite laughed at her Uncle's notion. This was not the first time she had tasted the god of the sea and it would not be the last. She took some steps towards him and closed the gap between them. [color=f49ac2]"Well if we are thinking of the same thing then that would upset two already angry women."[/color] With every word she trailed her fingers down his chest. As she did this an idea popped in her mind, one that would keep her satisfied for a while. [color=f49ac2]"But who cares, I think it will be fun. But I do one question, why is Ares not answering my hails?"[/color] She knew if anyone had answer it would be him, and she can also get the godly edge she has been missing for a while now. She looked him in the eye awaiting his answer. [@Rune_Alchemist]