[h1][center][color=orangered]Bes'eshe Sethokpara[/color][/center][/h1] Bes'eshe looked in alarm as the shouted challenge was cast upon Roman ears. Was this girl a fool? Did she wish to bring brought before the Roman's twisted and morphed justice. But then, as the girl approached her and a speech to rank this girl over the coals for her foolishness, the child addressed her father. Stunned and more than slightly angered she reached out to snatch the girl up in a grip of iron and yank her into the alley, even as the large god replied with that sadistic smile. Half listening to the god with one ear she firmly placed short statured self between the girl and escape, lest she tempt to dart past a full god. Something most were not successful at, though they had tried. [color=orangered]"As my father says. But I have more to add, you foolish child!"[/color] Her eyes narrowed as she propped her hands on her hips, sounding very much like a scolding aunt to a misbehaving youngster. [color=orangered] "What were you thinking of drawing Roman wrath?! You are but a child and no Goddess! Draw their wrath, and their God's wrath and Egypt will suffer. Have you merely the brains of a goat?! No! That's a insult to goats! You disrespect a full God, and you challenge a full group of Roman soldiers! There are more plans than yours at stake by your actions! You-I!"[/color] With a curse that would turn the sands of time back Bes'eshe gives Set a look of pure annoyance. [color=orangered] "Is Apophis this annoying? This foolish?" [/color] Grey-green eyes turned back to the girl with a dangerous gleam. The unspoken command for her to explain herself. [h1][center][color=black]The Morrigahn[/color][/center][/h1] The Morrigahn rolled dark eyes as she swore a silent oath to the powers that be. For all his powers Dagda was rather a dense and stupid god. [color=black]"The Romans have taken over [i]all[/i] of lower Britannia, they have [i]slaughtered[/i] our druids and [i]burned[/i] our sacred groves. You are [i]just now [/i] noticing this?!"[/color] She raised her hands to the bright heavens as she gave a exasperated moan of defeat. Dagda was beyond a fool. [color=black] "Do you notice nothing beyond your tankard Dagda?! Did you not hear the cries form our people when the Romans trampled their children and took their woman?! When their men were slain in battle and merely for taking the side of their native homeland and people?!" [/color] Her robes twisted into dark black, feathers of crow and raven forming the sleeves' cuffs and the high necked plate. The cloak behind her was ragged from battle as she gave a wordless cry of despair and misery for the burning of her country and her ancient lands. How could this God be so foolish? So ignorant! She would see him dead herself! But first, to rally him to this mess and then to pay a visit on another power that would answer for bargain and payment offered. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Severe Triage]