[quote=@Cuddle Pot] Sorry folks, I live in Wyoming and we just got 2 feet of spring snow. Internet has been slow. [@Ojo chan 42] I'll keep the language thing in mind, thanks for making me aware of that. [@Turbowraith] I think that is a great idea, and if the others are up to it I'll be more than happy to hear elaboration on these factions. I'll be glad to have your ideas part of the lore of our setting. [@DarkwolfX37] Your character is good, is it alright if every now and again I send you a message giving you certain knowledge your character would have access to? I'll also do the same for everyone else if it seems like their character would know something about the situation. Alright we are waiting for [@MonkeyBusiness] to post his character, [@sakurasan] to make one, and my buddy [@Razael] to post his. [/quote] Absolutely. I was wondering how that would be handled.