[center][h2][color=82ca9d]Sorrin Lucielle[/color][/h2] Bride of [color=f0a446]Siadamkiru Beneni[/color][/center] Sorrin shook her head with a giggle, thinking to herself how silly it would sound if she started attaching a title such as 'Lady' to her name. Then it dawned on her that maybe Sia felt the same way she herself did about the title, after all it was one of those things someone else picked for you... Like a nickname that you can't quite stand. "[color=82ca9d]Fine, just Sia it is... But you have to admit 'Lady Sia' is pretty regal sounding, don't you think?.[/color]" Her face lit up with laughter before she settled down to listen to Sia's answer. Sorrin could tell that the barren nature of Drakka bothered her some, but the way she spoke of her home held nothing but pride for the place. Closing her eyes, she could just about picture the land. The one thing she couldn't imagine, however, was the snow that Sia spoke of. It wasn't as if Sorrin had never seen snow before, but her Aunt's house was nestled in a valley that hardly ever got cold. And when it did, the snow would fall so lightly that it would melt upon touching the ground; never enough to pile in ways that Sia had just described. It sounded fascinating, and Sorrin couldn't wait to see such a sight. Many of her Gemminite sisters might have thought her odd for wanting to see such a place, to leave all she knew behind to barrel toward an uncertain future. However, Sorrin had always been known for trying to escape her Aunt's overprotective grasp. She would return just before nightfall covered in bumps and bruises that she had spent all day collecting. It wasn't as if she was intentionally going out and being reckless, but if Sorrin saw something that caught her eye she could chase after it... Even if that thing were a single shadow, or the reflection from a pool it didn't matter. New was new, and she would take what she could get, even if were just a view of snow. "[color=82ca9d]I think someday Vivari and her sons might forgive one another, and when they do they'll heal all the lands that have been torn apart by their hatred for each other. Then everyone would be able to see the beauty Drakka has kept hidden away.[/color]" Sorrin bore a faint smile on her face that quickly faded as she sighed. "[color=82ca9d]My Aunt thought I was silly for believing in such things... Pipe dreams she called them. But don't you think it would be nice to walk outside and see lush green for as far as your eyes can focus? Wind that didn't shriek with cold but sang of home? I think everyone deserves that, it's not fair that we hog it all to ourselves.[/color]" If there were ever a moment that proved just how sheltered Sorrin actually was, this was probably one of them. But her naivety didn't keep her from storing away certain information about the man. Only then did she realize, from the way he spoke, that he wasn't actually Drakken... And that he may or may not have been a "good guy". He spoke like a spy, and according to the stories, spies weren't usually painted in a good light. Fearful of getting Sia in trouble, Sorrin closed her mouth and waited for her reaction... After all, she knew nothing of the workings of Sia's estate. She might have been an equal in Sia's eyes, but Sorrin wasn't a strong mind when it came to the politics of a household name, so she would act accordingly by not speaking about it at all. [@RomanAria][@WilsonTurner] [hr] [center][h2][color=f26522]Kasari Liesma[/color][/h2] Bride of Zakroti; Sister-Bride to [color=c2a5fd]Aymiria Cassiel[/color][/center] Kasari paused for a moment, having to lean back on her heels in order to see the giant's face. The bodyguard was an incredibly menacing man that caused her heart to skip a few beats out of fear of his approach. This in mind, she mulled the offer over in her head. She did like the idea of knocking the guards from earlier down a peg, but the sound of inflicting physical pain didn't quite appeal to her. Kasari might have been feisty, but a Gem was still a peace-preferring Gem... Most of the time. Nodding her head, Kasari finally made her decision. "[color=f26522]If it's not too much trouble, I think I will take you up on that offer. It's only fair considering what they've done, so if you'd be so kind Kzaar... I'd very much like to see how fast you can make those two cry.[/color]" There was a knot in her gut telling Kasari that what she had asked for was in no way proper, but she was far from home and it wasn't exactly as if she were going to enjoy it. She saw it as just punishment for the sins they had already committed. A few shudder inducing images flashed through her mind, but Kasari shook them off and stood be her request stubbornly. Her attention was suddenly nabbed by the Gem chosen before her, smiling with just as much amusement as before. She had to hold back laughter at the situation Zakroti had just put himself in. Should the pair not get along it would make things miserable for those around them whenever they were together however on the off chance that they did, and it certainly looked like it was going to be that way, Zakroti was going to be in for quite the surprise. "[color=f26522]Kasari Liesma, daughter of Pyrus. And I would be honored if we could work together on such a project. Perhaps you have some original pieces of your own that I could coergraph a dance around? [/color]" She asked Aymiria, falling easily into step behind the shifting group. From afar, Kasari could feel the eyes boring into her... A feeling that was anything but pleasant. Coming to stand before a Drakken who looked vastly more important than the others she had seen thus far, she found herself unable to look away from his judging gaze. Finally the tension broke a little bit as the man spoke, and despite not knowing a single word that was said, she could sense that they weren't particularly liked. [@darkwolf687][@RomanAria] [hr] [hider=Summary] [color=82ca9d]Sorrin:[/color] Speaking like the ditsy, sheltered child she is... Talking of pipe dreams and whatnot about world prosperity and things. Just realized Valence wasn't Drakken, a step behind but catching up. [color=f26522]Kasari:[/color] Has agreed to let bodyguard go scare some manners into the goons who bruised her arms, and to someday dance to Miry's flute playing. [/hider]