How she wanted to believe him. How she wanted him to just take her into his arms and make her forget everything. But that...that wasn't the reality of the situation. To say or think otherwise was to betray that, and she just couldn't deny the truth. Could she just pretend to forget? Just for now? She was well aware that tomorrow, they would once again be thrust into danger. Maybe she could just put the discussion to rest. For now. They could argue about who was unwilling to lose who another day. "[b][color=f6989d]Okay. You win.[/color][/b]" She told him quietly, placing her hands on his for a moment. "[b][color=f6989d]But you should know, no matter what happens, I promised I would protect you. I meant it. No harm will come to you if I can help it.[/color][/b]" [i][color=f6989d]Even if that threat is me. I will protect you, Jaakuna.[/color][/i] [hr] Something he wanted to talk to her about? What could it possibly be? As Wesley would take his turn, Nadeline would choose to sit on the edge of her bed, crossing her legs on one another. Was it possible he wanted to continue talking about Grant and Savayna? No, he would have said as much. She would cluck her tongue in disapproval, though she decided to seize the chance. Dropping her robe for a moment, she would tip toe over to her dresser, pulling off her nightgown and slipping into something a little more revealing. Grinning from ear to ear, she would slip her robe on once more and would await Wesley on her bed patiently. [hr] What had he done? Grant's regret would grow deeper the more Savayna cried. He would wait as long as she needed. No, that wasn't the right course of action. Or, maybe it was, but for once his gut was telling him that he needed to do something. Anything. So he would. He pulled Savayna away from him for just a moment, one hand on her shoulder as the other would wipe away her tears. "[b][color=92278f]Whatever it is that happened, it's in the past,[/color][/b]" He told her, not even completely sure of what he was really saying. But he would keep going anyway. If she was going to end up beating him up for it, so be it. "[b][color=92278f]But the one thing you need to know is this: it doesn't matter if it's Levi, Shion, Zodiark--none of them stand a chance against us.[/color][/b]" What was he even saying at this point? "[b][color=92278f]So don't worry. Alright?[/color][/b]"