"Approaching Terra in T minus 72 hours" A demon announced once the worst of the tremors had passed and they were around the other side of Sol, the sun, that Terra orbited. "I hear the inhabitants of this Solar system aren't imaginative with naming thier celestial objects 'Earth is Earth, they rarely call it Terra, their moon is called Moon, they don't call thier sun Sol very much, they call their sun the Sun, so on and so forth." Damien said to Azurael. Just before realised Azurael had gone rather green around the gills as the saying goes. Azurael unbuckled her seat in a hurry and raced to a garbage disposal chute and vomited down it. Azurael was not the only person on board to do so. She went to say something after she finished but leaned back over the chute and emptied the rest of the contents out of her stomach. "Gross." Azurael muttered after she was done and drank a copious amount of water to rid her mouth of the taste. She grabbed a tissue from her and wiped her mouth with it before throwing the tissue down the chute. "Ew" Damien said.