Yuumei was expecting the beast to get hurt, but not hurt [i]that[/i] much. That was good, she thought. It seemed her attacks did the most to it, so it gave her a reason for fighting. She noticed that the leader girl had tried punching the beast, but didn't do much as her aqua. She saw two others, Nira and the white-haired boy, jump into the battle. The white-haired boy cast a spell that put a shield around the short brown-haired girl, and Nira helped the same short brown-haired girl with a light that enveloped her. It seemed that the two spells helped her fight once again. Her attention went back to the monster, and her face went from a somewhat happy one to panic. The beast was smashing into the sides of the car and revealing more of its' white bones. And then, she Saw the vines go backward before shooting out fire from the tips. It went after everyone in the group like it had a mind of its' own. When it hit her, it felt much more painful then any burn she'd gotten in her life. Even though she wasn't engulfed in flames, it hurt like she was. She attempted to stand up, but fell down in pain. [color=f7941d]I knew I was going to die here,[/color] she thought while sobbing, [color=f7941d]It was going to happen anyways.[/color] No. No, it wasn't. She was not going to die here or like this. After all she had done to get here, there was no way she could. She had to stay calm in moments like this, or she could have an even smaller chance of living through it. She took a deep breath and got on one knee, the most she could do without severe pain. She was going to call on her persona until... [b][color=00a99d]"Healing Wave!"[/color][/b] The light washed over the whole group. It did what Yuumei thought it would, which was heal, and more. She no longer felt like she was on fire, and she could stand with only moderate pain. Enough she could fight off, at least. She mentally thanked the girl for her healing and said, [color=fdc68a]"Danae! Aqua!"[/color] and the water from the chest made a beeline for the vines again.