Jaakuna, somehow, had convinced her that the point that she was trying to make was futile when it came to him. Jaakuna wouldn’t even consider that idea, so it brought him some relief to hear that she wasn’t going to press that any longer. Even if she still wanted that, it seemed, by her words, that Emiri was done fighting him on it. That’s all Jaakuna wanted. [color=ed1c24][b]“Finally, we both agree on something.”[/b][/color] There was that famous Jaakuna wit that always got him a few slaps. “We both want to protect each other no matter what happens.” Jaakuna found a smile curl on his face, [color=ed1c24][b]“so, now that we got that out of the way, perhaps it’s time you rest. Surely all of that arguing has warn you out even more than you already were, right?”[/b][/color] Jaakuna asked her. [hr] Wesley didn’t take that long to bathe. In fact, he was done before ten minutes passed. He wasn’t one to take long. Coming from Rabanastre and how so busy the capital was, Wesley had to always make sure that he was done bathing in a timely manner. That and his sister loved to get his favorite foods first, so that was also something that Wesley had engraved into his mind. So, of course Wesley was able to complete his bath quick enough to not have Nadeline wait too long. As he got out, drying himself, Wesley would look into the mirror briefly, seeing his black hair, in its moist state, coming down to his shoulders. He looked and brushed it enough so that it didn’t cover his eyes. He brushed it all the way back, letting bareness of his forehead show. After being satisfied with it, he put on the pair of pajamas that he took when he got into the bathroom, and put them on. They were a pair of dark gold pants, and the top was white with gold lining. It was long-sleeve. Wesley then stepped out, the door creaking slightly. He would scan the room for Nadeline, spotting her on her bed. She was in a position that showed all of her body features in a complimentary way. Her nightgown was lowered around her bust to show some of it. Wesley smiled, obviously approving of the position she was in. As much as it pained him, Wesley would have to object to what she was wanting to do - at least for right now. He would simply approach her bed, and sit next to her. [color=fff79a][b]“Nadeline, before we engage in whatever activity will become of you in such a [I]flattering[/I] outfit, I must confess something to you.”[/b][/color] Wesley said, his hand on Nadeline’s, looking at her. [color=fff79a][b]“After what happened today and how there very well may be a war brewing with the three countries, I have been thinking long and hard about it, and,”[/b][/color] Wesley paused, eyes looking at Nadeline, [color=fff79a][b]“I have decided that I will be returning to my home of Rabanastre.” he informed her, “much time has passed since I have left on this journey with you and the others, and while I have enjoyed my time immensely with you all, I fear that, if I do not return now, then I will be too late to do anything to save my home from this war that is surely to come.” [/b][/color]Wesley admitted, feeling sadness for his home and its fate in the coming days. [hr] She heard Grant’s words, but it was as if they fell on deaf ears. She was so distraught in the realization that Levi had been involved with Emiri’s condition. It was Leviathan that did that and Savayna, along with Jaakuna(though probably not consciously), only knew of her power. Gods, Savayna truly knew her power better than anyone. How could it get this bad? Leviathan with Zodiark. [color=lightblue][b]“You don’t understand, Grant. Leviathan isn’t going to stop until she controls it all: Rozarria, Dalmasca, Archadia - all of it. She is after Ivalice. She wants it to burn with her at the top of it all.”[/b][/color] Savayna manically said, her voice high, and a sense of paranoia clear in her voice and in her eyes. [color=lightblue][b]“It doesn’t matter if we have our espers, or whatever, Leviathan is just too strong!”[/b][/color] her voice got even higher.