[h1]The Dagda[/h1] The Dagda winced at her words as they cutting right through him like a knife, he knew when his primal desires and near-sighted obliviousness had killed his followers. Kneeling before The Morrigahn in despair and spoke with penitence, [color=007236]"This was my fault alone, in my arrogance I have allowed these scum to seize what is not theirs and I shall pay for that, in time. For now; we must drive the poison from these lands."[/color] He stood and looked out over the forest to the lands cloaked in fire and smoke. [color=007236]"It ends."[/color] Smashing his staff into the ground and sending reverberations throughout the forest. The Dagda began to speak in tongue, clouds formed, the trees creaked and moaned, the heavens broke and rain poured out on the flames below. The trees in the distance, using the water as a protective shield, brought themselves down to smother the fire. [color=007236]"My Queen, I am blind no longer. You have my power to use as you wish."[/color] He put his hand on the wood of an Oak and used the roots to see if there was cinders remaining but instead saw Romans trying to reignite the forest elsewhere bringing with them machines built only for war, [i]what purpose could see a nation bring so much destruction with its creations?[/i] [color=007236]"No! Apologies lady, I must go. I shall do my best to stall as long as possible, they will pray for forgiveness by the end. I know you seek to gather others so don't leave me waiting too long."[/color] The Dagda crouched and lunged himself far into the woods, jumping from treetop to treetop determined to salvage his blunder.