[@Eviledd1984] Kormac quickly payed his and the priestess' bill, "It was a pleasure meeting you, i hope that one day we can share a proper meal together and discuss your organisation at length.". He promptly wandered off making sure not to walk straight to Xavier but eventually making his way to him. He payed for a room, making sure that the priestess saw him do it. He took Xavier up to their room and started to explain his plan, "That priestess works for an order called the Red Dove. I have no idea what they want but they sure as hell dont like Bravado and they sure dont like you. She saw me rent the room for the night so if she wants to grab you for burning she will probably wait until she thinks we are asleep. But we wont be staying here tonight, im going to go to the wagon and hitch it up besides the inn. Im going to sell everything in there except for sleeping roles and my weapons to the innkeeper and use whats left to buy a horse to ride alongside yours. Then we ride hard away from here to get as much distance between us and her as we can. I need a destination where i can do research into the Red Dove, where they are based and who leads them, so that i can try to work out if they need to be stopped and if they do how to stop them. She mentioned that you work for Bravado as a knight so i assume you have a mission, if it doesnt conflict maybe we can work together to save yourself from a date with the pyre." Kormac put out his hand for Xavier to shake, if all was to his liking.