How does an eccentric inventor (sort of like Leonardo Da vinci) who is entirely useless in a fight but travels with a small caravan of books full of interesting and useful lore. His main purpose on the expedition being to get his fantastic ornithopter finalised by the time they reach the great chasm. Also, hello again [@POOHEAD189], we do seem to have similar tastes. Edit 1 [color=#7FFF00] Chartreuse | 7FFF00 would it be cruel to pick this? [/color] Edit 2 Edit-Boogaloo How do conversations between players run with the paragraph size recommendations? Edit 3 Reconning [hider=Vincent] [color=#7FFF00]Name:[/color] Vincent Azamov [color=#7FFF00]Color:[/color] Chartreuse [color=#7FFF00]Age:[/color] 29 [color=#7FFF00]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#7FFF00]Description:[/color] Scrawny and tall. Wears a long field coat with many pockets for scientific gubbins (This is the technical term) such as a telescope and note book. He has a face worth of short stubble more from lack of care than an effort to cultivate facial hair. His hands are criss-crossed with cuts due to working with his hands constantly on new inventions. [color=#7FFF00]Occupation:[/color] Scientist, inventor and master of fine cheeses [color=#7FFF00]Personality/Bio:[/color] At a young age Vincent was a genius, though a quiet one. Often overshadowed by his many siblings the fact that his afternoons were spent alone reading was left unnoticed. However, once he left his home to apprentice at a library preserving tomes his talents began to flourish. After leaving home he was able to convert his small apartment into a little workshop to put into practice many of the things he had learned over the year. Though after a short space of time he soon begin to believe that his readings were inadequate. He became obsessed with the idea of the great chasm and wanted to cross it so as to learn of new things beyond the sandy confines of his dull desert world. He is a quiet man however once he gets talking he is difficult to shut up and will often talk about length about things that mean little to anyone but himself. He makes himself useful with the promise of crossing the chasm and his endless books worth of knowledge on many aspects of the desert. His knowledge of the stars is also useful for navigation. [color=#7FFF00]Possessions:[/color] The magnificent ‘Songbird’ ornithopter and a caravan full of books on many subjects ranging from engineering to forging. Several changes of clothes and a large amount of papers for note making. He also has a cross bow of his own design that can fling bolts semi-automatically which is heavily needed as he is much less than a crack shot. [/hider] Look good?