[center][h3]Ghouls[/h3][/center] [center][i]Man eating individuals. They cannot eat anything that is not the flesh of another human, or another Ghoul if they are desperate enough. Scorned by society and despised by humans. They have but two options; to live in secret, feeding off the victims of accidents or suicides so as to not starve, or go out every night to hunt their game. They possess several special characteristics. Inhuman strength, a healing factor, speed beyond those of humans, enhanced senses, a skin hard enough to stop bullets, and the organ that has put them at the top of the food chain. Their predatory organ, the Kagune. Hardened RC Cells that allow them to hunt their pray. They serve as their sword and shield. Some are brittle and speedy, some heavy and harder than even steel itself, they come in different shapes and colors, and some may even be pretty. Make no mistake, however, despite how they look, they are all lethal. Their lives are ones meant to be lived in secret, making sure no one sees them, making sure no one discovers them, lest they want to be prosecuted by the feared CCG. The special police meant to regulate Ghouls. If one is discovered, they are authorized to shoot, and kill, on sight. The humans adore them. They are their dedicated protectors, against the scum known as Ghouls. They are the only shield standing between them and the feared man-eating Ghouls. Even as they are admired, they too aren't any better than the Ghouls they kill, and sometimes slaughter. No person is the same. Meaning that no person is as kind as any other person. Meaning that no person is as cruel as any other person. Yet, this might seem like a lie. A CCG Investigator can be as cruel as any one Ghoul in search for their food. A Ghoul can be as kind as a human mother trying to protect her children. The true nature of a person is always uncertain, even of those you call friends.... Our story centers around a group of Ghouls, that met as kids in a dirty street of one of the Wards in Tokyo. Having lost their parents, or perhaps discarded by them, they knew not how to survive in this harsh world, and with no relatives whatsoever, they truly would've had no guidance had it not been for a certain old man that helped them. His kindness knew no bounds, and they had caught his eye. He took them all in, having the resources to afford having all of them in his house. A huge mansion, way out of the road and considerably well hidden between other more ancient buildings. Once dressed properly and with basic education, the man discovered something. They were not normal. At least some of them. When they tried to take a bite out of the food he offered them, they felt like vomitting. The meat looked delicious, and yet they could not stomach it down. It was a shocking revelation for the old man. He knew that they were not humans, but Ghouls. And still, he smiled, as neither was he. With this new information at hand, the man taught them how to use several of the special traits Ghouls possess. Using a Kagune, controlling their inhumane strength and other abilities, how to feed without having to kill, how to control their Kakugan, and how to better control their eating urges, through the use of coffee or similars. The man schooled them, taught them how to mesh in with human society, and even allowed them to assist to school. One day, though, the man was killed without previous notice, having had to fight for his life against the CCG, but never once revealing the existence of those children. His most precious treasure. His mansion was burnt to the ground and they were left without a home once again. They decided to go their separate ways at such a time. They were still in middle school, or perhaps even in elementary school. Perhaps they still saw each other from time to time, or perhaps they suddenly up and disappeared, there are many things that could have happened. Yet, somehow, they all ended up in the same place. 8 years later, nostalgia hit them and they decided to visit the ruins of the mansion in which they lived the best years of their infancy, only to meet the others once again. And some others not quite as familiar. Despite the fire, the foundations and walls of the mansion had not burnt all the way to the ground, and it hadn't been demolished either, instead serving as a refuge of sorts for a group of kids. Apparently, orphans. When one pranced at them, they saw that the children were in fact Ghouls. Orphans like themselves who had somehow found their way to this house. Was it fate? Was something telling you that it was the time to repay the favor? Regardless, you decided to stay and see what you could do about it....[/i][/center] [hr] So to be clear from the very start, this is a reboot from GrafRoy Zeppeli's RP, Tokyo Ghoul ∑. Because of his sudden departure as well as decreasing numbers, we have found it adequate to relaunch this RP with I myself having control over the Opening Post. You can find the original thread [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/91535-tokyo-ghoul/ooc]here[/url]. I highly recommend checking out the IC for we will start around where it ended. This is the story behind Tokyo Ghoul ∑. You, the players (included me) have discovered a group of young Ghouls. Some may decide to take care of them, some may decide to just leave them to their own fate. Regardless, each and every one of your decisions will affect the course of this RP. There are several things against you. The CCG. Other groups of Ghouls. Perhaps even the same children. As expected, the world is your enemy. [b][i]Because otherwise it wouldn't be fair, right?[/i][/b] The RP will take place in the 5th Ward, in [url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunkyo,_Tokyo]Bunkyo.[/url] In here, Doves and Ghouls are matched in numbers, and both of them are pretty numerous. They engage in skirmishes pretty regularly, and at current the Doves have the upper hand. They constantly search through the city for Ghouls, and those same Ghouls retaliate at each opportunity they get. A group known as The Apex Hunters is the CCG's most troublesome enemy. There is not a single Ghoul in this Ward that does not know about them, and the same goes for most humans. You've got 8 years to make an interesting backstory, and not every Ghoul has to be pure blooded, or born one. One Eyed Ghouls will be accepted, but only one. I want every character to have an special quirk. Perhaps, they have two types of Kagune that they inherited from their parents? Perhaps they are a born One Eyed Ghoul? Perhaps their cannibalism has finally blossomed into a Kakuja? Get wild with this! [hr] [center][h3]The Rules[/h3][/center] [list] [*]No Mary Sues, Gary Stus or similars. [*]No Metagaming [*]No Godmodding [*]Interact with other characters. Not necessarily positive interactions. If your character is shy, then just have them brushing the others aside or something. [*]Romance is heavily encouraged, but nothing beyong PG-13. Anything past that goes to PM and you have to leave us with a cliffhanger and a fadeaway. [*]Pointless swearing and dirty jokes are all right OOC, if everybody is all right with 'em. [*]Also, if you are chatting with another member of the RP about something unrelated to the RP, and the chat drags for too long, take it to PM's. [*]No flame wars, please. If there is something, solve it at PM's or bring it to me. I'll see what I can do about it. [*]Character Sheets need to be posted in the OOC. They will be checked, reviewed and depending on how they are looking, I will accept them. WARNING: This does not mean I will accept every CS thrown my way. This is not a 'First Come First Served' kind of thing. I only want dedicated and literate RPers to follow up with this. [*]That said, it doesn't have to be perfect. As long as it is well written, has decent grammar and is readable, it will get even more chances of being accepted. [*]To actually consider accepting your CS and as proof that you've read the rules, answer this question somewhere, wherever, in the CS: Who is your overlord and Savior? [*]I want every IC post to be at least 2 paragraphs long, or 2,000+ characters if you write by lines like myself. For battle sequences, please make a collab. Do it by PM's or through a pad in titanpad.com or similars. [*]If you are going away for some time and can't post, then just tell me. I'll have to Godmod 'em a bit, but nothing major. [*]I usually give people the benefit of doubt, so if you can't post for a while, I'll wait for you at least a week. The others are free to move on and handle your character as they see fit to go on with the story. If you get past that week, your character will have a sudden and horrible death. [*]Limit of characters is one per person at the moment. Sorry, but that's the rules. [*]Obey your overlord and savior, the Wannabe GM who holds power over the OP, Savato. [*]I want to be clear on one thing, while I do hold executive power over what rules are put here and all that junk, I don't consider myself as the all powerful GM, for this isn't my RP. Instead, since we're a small group, I believe we should work democratically. That said, I will confer myself the power to settle issues on my own accord if things go sour. I am also the one to be addressed if you have any problems whatsoever in regards to the RP. Okay? Ok. [*]And lastly, have fun! [*]More rules may be added at my discresion. [/list] [hr] [center][h3]Filled Up Spots[/h3][/center] [h3]We are currently FULL![/h3] [b]Itsuki:[/b] [b]The Hunter[/b], Male, Kakuja Ghoul. [b]Asoka:[/b] [color=8882be]Mercury[/color], Female, Martial Artist Ghoul. (with a liquid-like kagune) [b]Hana Kurosawa:[/b] [color=fff200]Honeybee[/color], Female, Doctor Ghoul. [b]Miyako:[/b] [color=6ecff6]The Namanari[/color], Female, Outsider to the gang, Kakuja Ghoul. [b]Rin Makoto[/b] [color=92278f]The Stalker[/color], Female, Chimera Ghoul (and assassin!). [b]Takumi Minamoto:[/b] [color=#E34234]Tengu[/color], Male, One-Eyed Ghoul (And ex-CCG!). We've opened ourselves to six players! Though if you're not taken right away, rest assured, we may open up a spot in the future as well as have a member drop off from time to time, so keep a lookout! [hr] [center][h3]Interest Spots[/h3][/center] [center][h3][color=gray]Hayasori Mansion[/color][/h3] [hider=Fucking Big Image Inside] [img]http://s12.postimg.org/wce1stvt9/house_ruins_windows_walls_door.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] A man named Hayasori Ren came into money rather mysteriously. With the money he made, he built a mansion in the sticks of the 5th ward. Doves constantly pressed him, but forging RC factor reports was an easy matter for him, concealing the fact that he was a Ghoul. He had never been violent to begin with, and he fed off the victims of suicides or those that had been killed by some other criminal. The man didn't like staining his hands, and he didn't seem too fond of fighting, despite being able to fight expertly and even training people of his own. 8 years ago, his mansion was burnt. The children he kept with him dispersed across the wards, perhaps finding refuge somewhere else, or not at all. Regardless, he did leave them a sum of money. Something they would probably burn through in a year, but enough to get on their feet. Now, the mansion serves as refuge and solace for other orphans, all of them Ghouls. [center][h3][color=pink]Sakura Clinic[/color][/h3] [hider=Not Campy Enough Image of the Clinic][img]https://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/711148/159298457/stock-photo-brand-new-and-empty-european-luxury-medical-clinic-159298457.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] The Sakura clinic has been a longstanding spot in the darker shades of Roppongi. Originally an old love hotel who couldn't keep up with modern times, it was refurbished into what it is now by Doctor Sakura, a fallen-from grace surgeon. Initially financed with Yakuza money, it is rumoured to run other sorts of paralell business, such as painkiller and opioids smuggling, and even crime scene cleaning. However, ever since the old doctor died and its successor, Doctor Kurosawa took the reigns, the truth surpasses the rumours. It has become ever since a ghoul hub, and almost if not all ghouls in the third ward have at least been once there. A tacit agreement has been made to behave and never drag fights into the clinic by the ghoul community overall. While the alias of doctor Kurosawa is Honeybee, and is known as relatively harmless ghoul among its peers, rumours state that there's an even stronger ghoul lurking at the clinic. The clinic strictly segregates the three worlds it lives between floors, thus, the first two floors show no difference from most clinics, and they are specialized in all the basic ailments of humans, and even surgeries if need be. The third floor, which is sometimes used as storage room, still inherits a great deal of the love hotel structure, and more often than not, it is where the normal crooks go to get themselves treated. The fourth floor, which bears little to no modifications (as it was closed for a long time) save a couple of rooms used for examination and cures, are the actual ghoul territory. Since ghouls do usually have a regenerating factor and are not very picky with their tastes, Doctor Kurosawa did not spend much money in reforming the place, with one exception: She has also made her residence in this floor, and has taken the former deluxe suit as her private dwelling and laboratory. The clinic also sports a large cold storage in the basement, which includes an ambulance garage and corpse deposit. It is this peculiarity what allows the ghouls to use the clinic as feeding and supplying ground aswell. The size of the actual basement is often hidden and understated. Needless to say, the funds required to run the oversized clinic are rather hefty, but the triple, maybe even quadruple business that it is run there more than often compensates for it. [hr] [center][h3]The Character Sheet[/h3][/center] [hider=CS] [code] [center][img]appearance image code goes here. Interchangeable with a description[/img][/center] [center][h3]"Epic quote goes here"[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [18-24] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Height & Weight:[/b] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [b]CCG Rating:[/b] [What rating has the CCG assigned you with? Since we aren't much this time, feel free to go as crazy as you like] [b]CCG Title:[/b] [Name provided by the CCG to bettr identify you. Usually based off the mask you use] [b]Mask:[/b] [Can be a real picture] [b]Kagune:[/b] [A description is enough] [b]RC Type:[/b] [http://tokyoghoul.wikia.com/wiki/Kagune#Rc_Types] [b]Special Quirk:[/b] [What makes you special? Perhaps you have two types of Kagunes? Are you a One Eyed Ghoul? Perhaps have a Kakuja? Write down here what makes you special and WHY you have this] [b]Personality:[/b] [No need to go too into depth. We can discover it in the IC] [b]Backstory:[/b] [Now, this. This is where you have to go nuts and write as much as you see fit. You are an orphan who met with other kids and then a kind old ghoul who taught you the ways of being a ghoul, or at least proper manners if you were a human before. After his murder and downfall, you four went your separate ways. What happened to make you what you are today? What were the experiences you went through during this 8 years and how would it change your good hearted nature if you take a single bad step?] [b]Other:[/b] [Anything else that doesn't fit in the other categories] [/code] [/hider]