[center][img]http://i351.photobucket.com/albums/q458/Phantom_Roxas/smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002_zps8aae0553.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]"What is life but a testament of all the regrets you've suffered."[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Itsuki [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height & Weight:[/b] 6ft, 175 lbs [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]CCG Rating:[/b] SS- [b]CCG Title:[/b] The Hunter [b]Mask:[/b] [img]http://www.figures.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25457&d=1328560452[/img] [b]Kagune:[/b] Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be. [b]RC Type:[/b] Rinkaku [b]Special Quirk:[/b] HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well. While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque. The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain. [b]Personality:[/b] Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him. [b]Backstory:[/b] Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul. This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat. She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together. This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died. And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered. A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains. [b]Other:[/b] Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls. My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix