[h3][u]Cosh[/u][/h3] [b]Helena & Sinys[/b] The Cosh ignored Helena, the swing having missed her mark when the woman fell, with paws slammed into the ground in a soft thump and her back exposed. Her ears flickered a bit though made no other gesture that she heard or would attack, her body held low to the ground while she edged toward the blind wood elf. Black lips were pulled backwards to reveal sharp, points teeth ready to rip him apart. Nostrils poured fresh mist of hot breath into the air when her teeth vibrated, still stinging from the narrow miss, causing her to jerk forward. She hadn’t noticed the redhead rising upright, after a second try, and aim her blade nearest the skull. Unfortunately the Cosh moved for Sinys’ exposed back as he wheeled back around to defend himself, his arm balanced against the ground and feet kicking about to bring him to face the animal again. So when Helena stabbed forward, instead of hitting her mark and almost paralyzing the animal, she merely hit just below it. Through if she twisted just right, she might still achieve the earlier result. The Cosh howled in pain, echoing throughout the air and vibrated into the trees enough to make Sinys’ ears hurt and Keri flinch. Wet, sticky liquid slipped out over Helena’s hand while the blinded elf had completed his round about then thrusted an arrow point into the Cosh’s inner eye before the animal could react at Helen, drawing another painful cry which was ripped out of her. With the power Sinys put into the punch to the eye with his arrow jab, the long shaft wouldn’t come away intact or in his hand. In fact the end become lodged by the upper crest of the brow and forced the elf to either abandon the makeshift weapon or expose himself to a hit. In reaction to the pain, the Cosh’s left forepaw swiped with cat like claws at Sinys’ left side. If it hit, he would be knock to the side a few feet, his clothes and skin shallowly sliced and almost slammed into a tree. Meanwhile, should the hit land the Cosh would wheel around then attempt to snag Helena’s foot which if she latched on, she ripped Helena's foot forward. Her head dragging the unfortunate woman to the side and into the Elf’s direction. Should she be successful in all the above, Helena would land on top of the blind elf just as he was rising for round two, the pair becoming a little tangled pile. [b]Keri[/b] When Keri ducked, the Cosh Alpha promptly vanished on his landing. His image gone as he cut around, his feet pressing down on the grass was the only thing that betrayed his location and gave her the ability to track his whereabouts. However, it didn’t give her the range he had so when he darted into her personal zone and attacked her leg, she would fail to know what part of her anatomy he was lounging for or how. Another strike meant more dust spilled, and If she wasn’t careful, her blood lust would take over. Slowly she would seek out the very allies she fought for fresh blood and in the end, she would most likely drain them dry. [u][h3]Catacomb[/h3][/u] [b]Lyamis[/b] The sounds of footsteps caught Lyamis’ attention, his head tilted upright to observe the man approaching. He immediately noted he was of Yarosmere descent with the tall figure, dark skin and scars crisscrossed all over what flesh was exposed. It was enough to tell the Naga he was a ‘hunter’ equivalent of himself, which earned slight respect from the male, causing him to listen. His hands moved about the arms to grip the upper section of Mryn's arms and pin them against his tail while the lower half of his time gently coiled about the thighs and hips. This would prevent her from struggling in pain against the treatment. His posture tensed and eyes jerked to Karnage, or Tyrael as it seemed he was called, with apprehension in his display. Lyamis knew what his holding down looked like. Namely that he had placed himself in a position where he could easily shatter the student’s pelvis, legs and bones into dust should he merely tightly just a little more but it was the only way he could keep her from thrashing about. Despite their muscles on their upper torso, a Naga’s strength lied in their tail. It was among the most powerful thing of their features which many creatures that knew of them were wary of, including likely Darius and made him slightly cautious. The Yarosmere people and the Naga weren't exactly on the best of terms with each having their own negative thoughts, opinion, and worse of each other when not interacting. In addition, it was the Yarsomere army that drove Lyamis from his very home. The Naga waited for several seconds as if he was expecting the teacher to attack him unprovoked. An action that very well might end up killing him depending on the fallen orc’s temper. [b][color=goldenrod]Khan[/color][/b] Khan was already moving quickly down to the catacombs. His cane clicking rapidly along his path and his mind ignoring his throbbing knee. The pain merely increased causing him to grunt in reaction but nothing more. He was too furious to care at this moment about the damage he was doing to himself. His mind was ticking at how to handle the problem of a rouged teacher likely now slaughtering a small group of student and possibly the wandering naga, though his mind was less concern with the latter. It was mainly due to the fact they were classified as intruders and needed to be contained until proven otherwise. The college never turned anyone away, but it didn’t take kindly to being invaded unexpectedly either. The bad part, he couldn’t ask for Lucilia or Uicle’s aid in restraining the fallen orc without risking the naga student’s life. He couldn’t believe how much everything had went sideways today, thinking about the events from Lyn’s Hunt to the Catacombs, he was wondering what else was likely to happen. There was no one in mind he could consider that even a faint right to harm the child. Mostly since she had only been outside the college walls once, not counting today. Since Lucilia’s little stunt, all the teachers had strict orders to work together and keep track of Lyn’s whereabouts during the years leading up this day. Especially when Mar and/or Althalus were away. Uicle had even been thoughtful enough to sick a shadow and wind golem, in addition to her bear, to observe her. This made the task much easier for all of them. Putting the puzzling situation away, he focused on how to take Tyrael down without getting himself or the demonomancer killed. It was going to be hard in his weaken state especially if his friend wasn’t in his right mind and summoned forth the inferno, possibly killing every living thing within the Catacombs. It made the headmaster consider the fact that the fallen orc was the only mage he had ever known to possess such an ability. Others like himself could only summon portals to transport or withdraw their demons from the very plane, but they couldn’t alter the environment around them. Thankfully, he was a demonancer connected to his demons so the side effects wouldn't affect him and if he could the others to leave him behind, the fight would be much easier. Heus through would easily match the teacher, or any other demon, in brute and raw power alone though the creature’s main weakness was his intelligence, speed and accuracy. It was blessing the elemental demon could almost impossibly measurable damage and still keep going when he should be down. This made Grey's confrontation a miracle and massive achievement against the large brute during the time Khan had lost control. Regretfully, Khan realized, he couldn't go in there alone. He would have to summon at least Orleah or Upsah before entering into a possibly warzone he assumed the place would be. He only hoped he wasn’t too late. Runes on his thigh ached while he started to summon up his demon, Orleah's figure materializing into the surface and hot on his trail with a slight sway to her gait. It would only be a matter of time before one of the students spotted him coming toward them.