[center]~|Day 2, 22:06-22:10 GST|~ ~|Ven'ren, Animal Pens and Sith Practicing Chambers|~ [/center] Ven'ren slowly backed off, still ready but using non-aggressive bodylanguage. The other apprentice's predatory reaction made him instinctively act similarly. He had spent enough time semi-isolated in a ruined tomb to feel reverting back to being an animal was at least somewhat natural. The thought disappeared once the third apprentice came forward, and Ven'ren spoke again. “Oh” Ven'ren said, hearing Zanna's explanation and tilting his head as she left “Well that explains it. One has to be always careful, yes. If one is not jumpy enough, one could easily fine oneself pinned to a wall suddenly. I won't try to kill you though. Unless you stab me, and you shouldn't.” He sounds almost completely normal when he then adds. “But if my presence unnerves you, I shall leave you be now.”