[hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Emilia%20Montgomery&name=TalkingToTheMoon.ttf&size=70&style_color=FF7F50[/img][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/f6cecf5fe3c0ee2cfeb00a7d6d2d05c5/tumblr_nxegdsfC2k1ukhe7vo2_500.gif[/img] [b]Location[/b] - Home [b]Interacting with[/b] - Mama and Papa Montgomery[/centre][hr][hr] [color=FF7F50][i]'It's a good day, today.'[/i][/color] It was the first thought to run through Emilia's mind that morning as she woke up from her peaceful slumber. For the first time in many weeks, Emilia had finally had a good night's rest, feeling fresh and [i]ready[/i] for the following morning. She couldn't even feel the prickling sensation at the back of her mind, which usually came with her empathic nature, so she [i]knew[/i] that her mood was her own. She sat up, leaning against the headboard as she sighed to herself. Emilia reached over to the bedside table, where her phone lied charging. Unplugging the device, she tapped her fingers against the screen to check the news, before checking the schedule for the day. Things recently had been tense in the Montgomery household - not between the family members, but Emmy could feel the stress emanate from her father. Hell, she didn't even need her powers to tell how stressed her father had been. Checking through the planner with tired eyes, Emilia mentally noted down the two meetings and one public appearance that was planned for the Mayor during the course of the day. As Emilia climbed out of bed, the blankets falling in a heap on the floor, she checked for her horoscope. [quote=Pisces Daily Horoscope MAR 2016]It doesn't seem fair that your workload has increased these last few days. Never mind that you still have all of your normal tasks to do, your boss expects you to finalize a new budget and write a proposal as well? Enlist the help of others if you can. If you can't, simply do the best you can without sacrificing time with your family and loved ones. Ultimately, Pisces, the latter is more important.[/quote] Ah, well that was obvious. With the rising gang crimes and public unrest, Emmy's workload had pretty much doubled with the amount of paperwork she had to check through and sort. It was tiring, but it was slowly being worked on. Emilia stepped out of her bedroom after getting ready, her phone in her hand as she peered through the other websites that gave -what she believed to be- accurate horoscopes. [b]"Emmy? Sweetie?"[/b] Ah, mother. [b]"Are you heading out now too?"[/b] [color=FF7F50]"Mm,"[/color] she hummed, taking an apple from the fruit bowl and rubbing it on the sleeve of her peach blazer. [color=FF7F50]"Is Papa awake yet?"[/color] [b]"Right here, Emilia."[/b] Emilia turned, seeing her father at the doorway. Her smile widened, and she reached over to give him an one-armed hug and a kiss to the cheek. [color=FF7F50]"Morning, papa~"[/color] [b]"Morning sweetie."[/b] He let his daughter go give her mother the same early morning treatment. A hug and a kiss to the cheek: the usual. [b]"I need you to keep an eye out on the Mayor. A gang war has started, and we need to make sure that he isn't... acting out."[/b] Her father informed her. [color=FF7F50]"Will do, papa. I'm going now, got a long day ahead."[/color] And with that, Emilia was gone out the door to start her long day ahead.