[hider=Senna] [center] [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] Senna Daher [i][b]Color:[/b][/i] [color=goldenrod]Goldenrod[/color] [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] 19 [i][b]Gender:[/b][/i] Female [i][b]Description:[/b][/i] [hider=Senna][img] http://safebooru.org//images/1633/ffc2d05e1a23943638cf4412105b4d81b335b1cb.jpg?1717361[/img][/hider] Standing at a rather tall five foot eight, Senna can be a rather intimidating appearance wise. She has long rusty red colored hair, and her face is usually adorned with either a confident, playful smirk or a scowl, depending on if she thinks you're being an idiot. She has bright green eyes (much to her dismay, it's her least favorite color). She has a slender, though not unattractive frame that built more for agility and speed rather than straight up endurance. Normally she wears simple, but durable leather coat for armor with simple brown leggings and leather gloves and boots , though on rare times when she's not she replaces her coat with a light vest and white shirt. She's not really one for fashion. [i][b]Occupation:[/b][/i] Thief, breaker of hearts, adventurer, thrill seeker, the best looking woman in oasis, and your new best friend! At least, according to her. She's got quite a bit of an ego and doesn't shut up ever about her thievery exploits. Most of which, are highly exaggerated. Most. The bit about her breaking into the Queens palace and stealing? Yeah, that's true. [i][b]Personality/Bio: [/b][/i] Senna never knew her parents. Or at least her memories of them are vague and fleeting at best. At most, she remembers their names and their faces. Saghir, her father and Melek, her mother. What she does know about them is that they were once merchants, and they had a fairly comfortable life until she was around seven years old. She doesn't entirely know what happened, but one day they were just out of money. Her parents sold their shop and other assets, and gave Sen a rather large sum of money that they could spare, and took the rest and brought traveling supplies. They headed into the desert, leaving her behind and she never saw them again. All she has to remember them by, is a simple dagger hilt, a relic from he gave to her before him and her mom left for the desert. The money helped a little, but she burned through it fast. She lost most of it to thieves and pickpockets. She had led a pampered life until then, so she had no idea how to go about surviving on the streets. Thankfully, she had always been a bit of a stubborn brat so she adapted quickly to the life of a street rat. She taught herself how to use a sword, fashioned her own makeshift armor out of bits and pieces of leather, and lived a fairly easy life as a thief until she was 14. She met Emiar, another street rat. The two became fast friends, and led a little kiddie gang of delinquents in the poorer section of Oasis. She was designated their leader, and Eimar was her second. They had a pretty good thing going, too. Pick pocketing, general thievery and mischief, and otherwise getting up to no good. They kept at this until most of the kids grew up and moved on. But, well, Senna and Eimar? It was all either of them really knew how to do. When she turned 19, they decided to get the gang back together for one last thievery scheme. Most of the populace considered their little gang to be nothing more than minor a nuisance. So when they hatched a scheme to steal from the queen herself? Well, no one expected that. And no one expected them to actually get as far as they did either. They almost made it out without even getting caught. Even the best plans go awry, though. And this one did. Horribly. Senna was arrested, and Eimar managed to escape with one other, but a few others were killed. An accident, or so the guards say, but it doesn't matter. Considering all things, she got off luckier than some that might have gotten arrested for breaking into the palace and accused of treason. She rotted in the palace dungeons for a few months, until the news of the expedition reached her ears thanks to some talkative soldiers. This was it. This was her chance to explore the outside. To finally do what she had always wanted to do! She managed to convince the soldiers and government that letting her go on this expedition would be less expensive than letting her rot in the dungeons for eternity. She had nothing else to lose at that point, so she might as well, shouldn't she? [i][b]-Personality-[/b][/i] Infinitely curious and a little roguishly mischievous would probably sum up Senna's personality in two short words. Oh, and stubborn, can't forget stubborn. She's fairly friendly to most, and she doesn't judge anyone base on rumors, race, status, or anything like that. She doesn't care much for academics or technobabble about fire arms, steam, or things like that. She has better things to be doing - like hitting on that cute girl down the street. Quick witted and fairly adaptable, she is light on her feet and isn't easily flustered or offended. She has always wanted to go explore the desert and what lies outside of it. If asked, she'd deny it but it's been her secret dream since she was a child. She fully intends to see the world and explore it to the fullest, and she doesn't have any plans to die any time soon, tales of danger be damned. [i][b]Possessions: [/b][/i] Senna wears simple, but functional leather armor and carries a curved bronze cutlass, along with a simple wrist mounted crossbow and some bolts, though she doesn't use it much. They were the only items she was allowed to have returned. She used to have a few pieces of iron armor patched onto her leather armor, but they confiscated them when she was arrested, and since they could no longer find the owner of who she stole them from, the state happily took them. She has also elected to carry a journal for this journey. She wishes to keep a record of events and catalogue anything...interesting the find. [/center] [/hider]