[hider=Mizzie] Name: Miz’ri (Mizzie) A’Daragon Age: 21 Race: Native Cambion (half-demon) Appearance: [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/149025852/large.jpg[/img] Common skills: Identifying native plants and creating medicine from them, climbing, and tracking. It’s also worth noting that Mizzie’s tail is prehensile, allowing her to use it like a third hand, and that her wings allow her to hover a bit. Fighting skills: Knows how to handle a knife or a staff to protect herself in a pinch, but that’s about it. Magical skills: As an individual of demonic ancestry, Mizzie possesses a remarkable proficiency in the use of demonic magic and a surprising amount of magical energy. Mizzie’s use of demonic magic currently manifests itself in two major forms: [hider=Curse Magic] Mizzie has the ability to afflict people or objects with debilitating curses to turn the tide of battle or cause mischief. The severity of these curses depends almost entirely upon how much time and energy Mizzie puts into fashioning them, which means that, in the middle of a fight, she can only slightly hinder an enemy. It is worth noting that the effects of her curses are mitigated quite well by cloth armor, especially if it's enchanted, while metal armor does the opposite. In combat, Mizzie usually aims to reduce the enemy’s speed so that she can run away, though she’ll reduce their strength if she has allies that are involved in the fighting.[/hider] [hider=Hell-fire Manipulation] Mizzie possesses the ability to conjure up hell fire, which she can use offensively by hurling it at enemies or defensively by fashioning it into a wall to deter enemies. As of right now, this is her only offensive use of her innate magical talent. The downside is that it takes quite a bit of energy to do anything more complicated than hurling it, especially because it’s something that she just recently started practicing with.[/hider] Languages: Common Native, used in official correspondence between the various tribal groups that occupy the continent, and Infernal/Demonic Personality: Despite her demonic heritage, Mizzie is actually a fairly warm-hearted person that usually has a smile plastered to her face, which is probably one of the major reasons why the Imperial citizens of the outpost don’t seem to mind having her around. Though unfamiliar with Imperial customs and technology, Mizzie is a rather intelligent individual, able to learn quickly and think on her feet. She can also be rather naive, however, which makes it somewhat easy to take advantage of her, especially concerning Imperial customs or technology. Bio: Mizzie was raised on the New Continent as a member of the Xatzlopi tribe after a hunting party found her in the forest near the village and took her back with them. After several days of deliberation, the village’s Council of Elders determined that she would be accepted as a member of the tribe if a family would accept her, much as they would for any other individual. Fortunately for her, a barren family in the tribe was eager for the chance to have a child and snatched her up. For the most part, Mizzie’s early life was fairly typical for a child in the tribe, even if she did look quite a bit different from the others. The exceptions to this rule were the occasional outbursts of demonic magic that she gave off while growing up. They made it pretty clear to her parents, and the other adults of the tribe, that it would be best for Mizzie to become the Wise Woman’s apprentice when she reached the appropriate age. And so, at the age of twelve, she began receiving an education that would one day allow her to replace the current Wise Woman. Most of her training was non-magical in nature, consisting of subjects such as crafting medicines from plant and animal parts found in nature, interpreting omens, and how to read, write, and perform basic arithmetic. Because the Wise Woman was a shaman, it turned out she was largely unable to really assist Mizzie in learning to control her latent abilities, although she was still able to provide a little bit of guidance concerning the general principles of magic. Still, Mizzie was expected to practice frequently in order to refine her control over her abilities so as to avoid the kind of accidents that occurred when she was growing up. Shortly after her twenty-first birthday, Mizzie and her master went out to sea in order to perform the ritual that would guarantee their village a good harvest, although Mizzie’s primary purpose in tagging along was learning how to perform the ritual. While her master was performing the ritual, a storm struck suddenly and with great ferocity, rocking the little boat they were in violently. Before Mizzie could really react, she hit her head on the side of the boat and fell unconscious. When she came to, the sun shining almost directly above her, she was alone in the boat and there was no land in sight. Fortunately, they had prepared some rations in order to have a meal after the ritual, so she had enough food and water to last for several days if she was careful. And survive she did, floating in the endless blue for a couple of days before a large ship, far larger than anything she had ever seen in her life, floated by. Somehow, the people on board had noticed her and managed to get her on board after sending a lifeboat down. After it became clear to everyone involved that they didn’t speak the same language, the people on the ship, whom Mizzie would later know as “Imperials” began trying to teach her their language while she helped out onboard in order to repay their hospitality. By the time they reached their destination a few days later, Mizzie had learned a few words (mostly names) and the Imperials had come up with the idea of using her to help reach the natives around Fort Narselis. And so, they continued her instruction of their language and customs, planning on having her tag along the exploration group that would be arriving in several weeks as a diplomat or translator. Equipment: A short knife, a mortar and pestle for preparing medicine, clothing, a walking stick. Why did you join?: Helping the Imperials develop strong ties with the Native tribes would be good for both groups, and it would be a good way to repay the debt I owe them for rescuing me. Also, they’ve told me that they will help me get home.[/hider] Let me know if anything needs changed, particularly the magic. :3 I tried going for a more magic-focused character instead of being an all-around character (hence why my character has virtually no fighting skills), but I wasn't entirely sure what to use for demon magic, so I'm open to corrections there.