The rest of the school day was more or less uneventful for Lucas. He was, however, now more keen on trying to figure out who the other psychic in the school was, or [i]psychics[/i], for that matter. As far as he knew, no one was open about it at East High. He wondered just how many of these seemingly normal high school students were hiding a secret a big as his. Instead of zoning out in his other classes, he quietly observed the other students, trying to pick out anything abnormal about them. Unfortunately, his efforts proved fruitless, but with the fruitless results came a sense of assurance that no one would suspect him of being a psychic either. A few couple of his friends noticed Lucas seemed a little out of it, but he told them he was just really tired. He decided it would be a bad idea to bring up the subject with his friends. They probably didn’t even care, anyway, which was fine by him. Before he knew it, the bell rang, signaling the end of school. He stood up from his desk and nearly forgot about his meeting with Alice because his phone had been on silent. Feeling guilty about almost leaving her at school, he quickly pulled his iPhone out from his pocket to see she had sent him a text about a half an hour earlier, informing him that she’d meet him at the front of the parking lot. He quickly typed back a response: [i]I’ll be there.[/i] He stopped by at his locker to grab all the books he’d need to finish his homework, which was, thankfully, at a minimum that particular day. On his way out, he encountered some of his friends and couldn’t resist having a little chat with them. About five or so minutes later, though, they all had to leave to get ready for practice. “Aren’t you coming?” one of them asked him. Lucas shook his head. “Nah, I’m not on the team.” “Didn’t make tryouts?” another teased with a laugh. “No, dipshit, I was out of town,” he explained, not feeling anger as insults were always thrown among him and his friends. “I have to work on a partner project today, anyway… Actually, she’s probably waiting for me.” “You? Doing a project? What?” one of the scoffed. “Who’s your partner?” someone else asked. “Umm… That Alice girl in our grade,” Lucas answered. A nearly simultaneous “ooooh!” rose among them. “Alice [i]Conway[/i]? Damn!” “Dude, she’s [i]so[/i] hot!” Lucas raised an eyebrow at his riled-up friends. “Really?” he asked with a small, nervous laugh. “I never really noticed, I guess.” “Are you blind, son?” “God, she’s so smart too. How often do you meet a girl like [i]that[/i]?” The group laughed in agreement. “Anyway, Lucas, we gotta go. Good luck with your ‘project.’” Lucas crossed his arms and shook his head as they all took off toward the locker rooms. He turned and continued to the front door, swearing under his breath for being late, as usual. At least it wasn’t raining. As he exited the building he caught sight of Alice standing in wait with her still drench jacked under her arm. “Sorry I’m late,” he offered with an innocent shrug and no other kind of explanation.