[hider=Ishar Latro] Name: Ishar Latro Color: [color=a0410d]Dark Orange[/color] Age: 27 Gender: Male Description: [hider=reference picture][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/328/1/d/Drunken_Bard_by_RezoKaishauri.jpg[/img][/hider] Ishar stands at the height of 5'9" with the build of a standard man, nothing is all that special about him in terms of his physical attributes. He holds blue eyes and a very strong chin that supports a thin, neatly trimmed beard growing from it. He has dark brown hair sitting a top his heard that stops half way down his face, typically it is proper yet it can get messy. He has a scar coming up his left cheek and up his eye. Ishar wears only commoner clothing with a leather vest over that, along with that, he has a golden earing on his left ear. Occupation: A simple bard who wishes to find tales to sing about Personality/Bio: Ishar has been born in the not-so-best part of town where crime is typically common enough for people to simply be used to it, the slums if you will. He was born to a thief for a father and bartender of a mother, the two did not particularly get along all that well. As a child, Ishar was heavily influenced by the people who came into the bar that Ishar had gone to with his mother. He sat there an listened to music produced by wondering bards and tales by some of the guards that came by. This was what caused his love for music and tales of adventure alike. At the age of ten, he was taken in as an apprentice to a not-so-famous Bard and he had begun his training in the arts of making music and coming up with tales. The two got into a lot of trouble together and it did not particular end well for the master bard. At the age 20, the two had become best of friends, but Ishar's friend had been killed by a gang one night and left Ishar with his scar. After that, he vowed revenge and perused the gang for five years of his life. He found out where the clan held its little recruitment and infiltrated its ranks, just to find out who was leading it. Ishar took another year to become acquainted with the group, making sure that he held the trust of the members before he did anything stupid. He took a chance one night and murdered the gang leader and the men who killed his friend before he ran from them. Eventually, Ishar stumbled across the opportunity to get away from the town and took it. It turned out to be the caravan that would be going out to explore what seemed to be an endless desert. He held his doubts, but he would agree to go along just to get out of the city. Possessions: -A copper dagger -A wooden lute -The clothes on his back. [/hider]