Okay. Did a bit of retooling so as to maybe not have another crime person...while still having someone that could fall under the umbrella of 'unsavory' but only the bare amount, in that they're still gonna get super wet in the rain and this metaphor has run its course. [hider=Opal Lennox][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zNNMcvY.jpg[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ikSaEfBoG4][color=dodgerblue]"Miss Opal Lennox, if it pleases you, and Madame Lennox if'n it doesn't."[/color][/url][/sub] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi42MzYwZWIuVDNCaGJDQk1aVzV1YjNnLC4w/rm-serifancy.regular.png[/img] [color=dodgerblue][b]Color:[/b] Dodgerblue (1E90FF)[/color] [color=dodgerblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 25 [color=dodgerblue][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [hider=Old Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/f2IbDoY.jpg[/img] Opal, presently, is an immaculately dressed woman, which serves the purpose of making her stand out among a crowd of people in leathers or worn clothing. Always in well tailored shirts and neatly pressed slacks, the first thought most have upon seeing her is "Fancy" and all the negative connotations that that comes with. Her eyes, once shining bright blue with optimism, seem far more dim these days but still sharply angled and just, well, sharp; it's hard not to notice when her gaze is planted on you, the only question is if she's watching for good reason or for ill. Her midnight black hair is neatly cut short, though it's growing quickly in the back and the uneven trims signal frequent hand-cuts to maintain the style. Opal is a slender woman, possessing no clear hint of defined muscles but a trim, supple build behind her fancy collared shirts and slacks. Perhaps more striking than her eyes, but not as much as her attire, are her lips which are more puffy than she'd like and far too naturally pink when not hidden away by whatever cosmetics she could scrounge up. At a glance, some might assume Opal to be a bit of an ice queen, but those that speak to her...or the ones she speaks with...soon find that it's not ice that runs in her veins. It's snake oil. Opal, before adopting the name Opal, had much longer, prettier dark hair and brighter blue eyes. Her smile was as charming as her fancy attire - before the slacks Opal was always in well tailored blouses and dresses befitting one of her station. That girl is gone now, but Opal keeps her close to the chest, quite literally, as tied around the collar of her shirt is a black ribbon with a small circular locket on one end.[/hider] [color=dodgerblue][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Opal has claimed to be many things to many people. An educator. A trader. A religious sort. Her current occupation, such as it is, is that of a trader that joined the caravan to find rare goods to expand her business. Opal, however, is two things and both are unknown to any but herself. The first is that Opal is a Con Artist. The second? A Runaway. [color=dodgerblue][b]Personality/Bio:[/b][/color] What's actually known about Opal is startlingly little, since as a confidence woman she doesn't exactly want people wising up to the con or identifying her or her lies. But Opal has been many things to many people, and not always with the name 'Opal Lennox'. New con, new identity, new everything. The constants in Opal's life comes from how she portrays herself towards others, regardless of her current identity. Opal is gifted with a silver tongue, the gift of the good liar, and she is not shy about using it. What makes her so effective is that her lies all individually sound plausible, like a salesman memorizing a pitch they know is garbage. Smooth talking is just another way of saying manipulative which is a fancy way of saying charming and all apply to Ms. Opal Lennox. To know Opal is to know who she was before the lies and deceptions took over. Before Opal or Clarabelle or any of her aliases, there was Ophelia Harrington. Ophelia Harrington was the youngest daughter of the aristocratic Harrington family, a wealthy class living in what opulence and luxury there was to be had in Oasis. Ophelia made several trips to the Queen's court, attending galas and events while being pampered by those beneath her station and groomed for a life of proper Oasis nobility. What could bring such a privileged young girl into the world of deceit and confidence trickery? At first it was nothing more than a game. Ophelia and her play pals from other wealthy families came up with ways to stave off boredom and have fun at the expense of others all in one swoop. It started simply enough, demanding outrageous items from the hired help and berating them when they inevitably failed or, oddly enough, succeeded, but it had to grow bigger from there. One of her devilish little friends had the idea to swindle a family friend out of a prized possession: an embroidered cane used less for walking and more for showing off. It was Ophelia who was selected to perform the swindle, only because she was the best among them at lessons. It was not easy, but Ophelia found that feigning interest and selecting her words came rather naturally. After building up a solid rapport with the gentleman, Ophelia managed to get the man to agree to a little trade: his cane for her hairpin. Though it was brass, she came up with a rather elaborate story on how it once belonged to the Queen's ancestors but was given to Ophelia's family as a sign of good will ('And that's why the Harrington family are always on the royal guest list' was her closing line). She returned to her friends with a cane and a curious thought lingering in her head. If she could swindle a noble, who ought to know better, perhaps she could swindle more people...wealthy or otherwise. She couldn't be seen as Ophelia when out and about, mingling with the lower class, and hid her identity first by simply changing her name. But her way of speaking gave her away if her attire and appearance didn't. The non nobility were far more perceptive than she gave them credit for. Ophelia occupied her time perfecting the art of the con, swindling numerous people out of cash, possessions, and anything else they were willing to part with. Of course her conning was not exactly the most...savory or legal of pursuits, but in a pinch 'Clarabelle Chetwynde' could become Ophelia Harrington and slink away back to her world. Ophelia isn't supposed to be on the caravan but after a con gone wrong, the details of which she'd rather not discuss, she made a split decision. After retreating to her home and packing lightly, she killed Ophelia by removing her hair and leaving a ransom note. Her parents in a panic was just the cover she needed to disappear...and the caravan was as good a place as any to let her heat die down. Her parents were searching for Ophelia Harrington. The city guard were searching for Clarabelle Chetwynde, the swindler. But no one was looking for Opal Lennox...because she has only recently been born. [color=dodgerblue][b]Possessions:[/b][/color] Opal Lennox didn't have very many possessions apart from the clothes on her back and the small locket on her ribbon. However, she did manage to smuggle a single handgun, one of her proudest cons, and a simple seven rounds of ammunition. She'd rather not use it, seeing as how it's more of a trophy than an actual weapon, but in an emergency...one never knows. She also has a small knife used for cutting hair and only hair, and two tubes of lipstick.[/center][/hider]