[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center][right]Justice League HQ[/right] [i]No matter how much you prepare yourself when you hit frigid water your first instinct is to inhale in shock. Steve was no exception. The icy waters felt like concrete when he collided with it. Then much unlike concrete it gave way under his weight. His arms ached from the restraints he had been bound by. Remnants of the iron cuffs still were snug against his wrists, dragging him down. Down into the depth he sunk. No matter now hard he thrashed and tried to swim to the surface. Soon his lung began to burn. Wanting air. But there was none to be had. Only cold, cold water. Yet no training could stop the natural instincts from overriding you. Steve might have been able to gulp in a breath and keep it before he hit the water. But deep in the murky depths he inhaled water. The cold took away the pain until he was just floating, sunlight shimmering through the water. It was kind of beautiful now that he was dying. Dying. The thought caused Steve to fight against death. He couldn't die. Not here. Not while Bucky was... Bucky was... But it failed to matter. His cold body didn't respond to him. He kept drifting downwards into darkness. Such a prevailing darkness. It ate at his mind until that was all he knew. Until his back hit a solid surface. Steve sluggishly opened his eyes and saw Hawkeye standing over him. No. It was Bucky. His old friend had a cocky smile and a syringe in hand. "Guess you failed again." Bucky taunted. "So much for the Great[/i] Captain America." "Captain?" Steve gasped and sat up from the awkward position he had been, slumped over on the sofa. His sudden motion caused not only the tablet on his lap to clatter to the floor but the person who tried to wake him to jump and skitter back a few feet. Shame flooded through Steve as he looked at the guy's wide eyes. "[color=7ea7d8]Sorry son.[/color]" Steve picked up his tablet and stood up slowly as to not startle the man again. "I-um, it's okay." The man muttered, flushed, obviously embarrassed and flustered. "[color=7ea7d8]What time is it?[/color]" Steve asked curious. Last he had known it was sometime past seven or eight at night. It had been a long day. "Um..." The IT guy looked down at his wrist watch. "Little past two." "[color=7ea7d8]In the morning?[/color]" Steve nearly exclaimed, startled. The IT guy, Steve really should have asked his name, looked even more embarrassed. "Yeah. Sorry for waking you. But I think you need to see this." He gestured back to the computer. [hr][right]Elsewhere[/right] A well dressed man set on a deck patio watching the clouds as they drifted by. A young pretty woman slowly approached, handed him a phone and backed away with a short bow. The man raised the cell to his ear and listened. It was obvious that the news was not good. Rage crossed his face and with a great effort of will he calmed himself enough to speak. "Well find him and bring me everything he stole from me." His voice was a low hiss. As soon as he finished speaking he hung up the phone. The young woman inched closer and removed it from his hand replacing it with a drink. "Thank you." The gentleman said softly. He sat there in silence for a few more minutes before standing and going back inside.