Tara’s mind became a bit conscious. She felt her body lying under the sheets of her bed, but she didn’t quite feel like waking up, so she went back to bed. After what felt like a short period of time later, she was woken up by a dog barking. It wasn’t the best wake up call, but she should probably get up anyways. The red eyed beauty sat up and stretched. Her body felt sore from last night. It had been quite the workout. She thought it went pretty well for her first time. Approaching the bathroom, Tara managed to trip over her workout bag that she left in the middle of her bedroom. She flailed around trying to catch herself, but ended up cutting her arm on her desk and whacking the side of her head on the floor. Getting up, she examined herself and groaned in annoyance. Her injuries didn’t really hurt, but she had work tonight. The stripper prefered her skin not cut and bruised if she was going to put it on display. After getting up and actually reaching the bathroom this time, she looked at the side of her head in the mirror. No bruise forming, yet. Tara took a quick shower, since she still had classes to get to. After getting out and actually checking the time, she realized she had slept later than she meant to. It was already 12PM! The second groan of the day escaped her lips. She missed her Speech class. Oh well, her next class was English. She could at least make that one. Tara threw on a [url=http://www.rohmahdewif.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Motivi-Autumn-WInter-2014-2015-Womens-Casual-Style-12-600x1065-169x300.jpg] decent pair of clothes[/url] before grabbing her bag and leaving her apartment. She made sure to lock it behind her. She lived in a pretty sketchy place after all. On her way out she decided to stop by a coffee shop on campus before actually going to class. As usual, on her way to class, Tara shot a text over to The Twins(TM). [center]To: [color=seagreen]Riley[/color][@lovely complex] [i][color=0b5fbd]Hey, everything good with the fam? Yesterday was kinda weird. Oh, BTW, I finally started my new job. Finally got that $$$.[/color][/i] To: [color=salmon]Kylie[/color][@Viciousmarrow] [i][color=0b5fbd]You doin’ anything this evening? I was planning on coming over to kick your ass at whatever video game you throw at me, don’t let me down.[/color][/i][/center] Unfortunately, the line at the cafe was loooooong. So, Tara preoccupied herself with her phone. She was playing a dumb, but addicting game while waiting for The Twins(TM) to respond.