Amidst the sand and the dust kicked up by a passing army, there stalked an ominous duo. One, a mockery of a knight. Adorned in plate armor the color of coal and stained with streaks of crimson from unwashed blood. Her hair was a healthy gold, in contrast to the sickly straw color of a lone eye not obfuscated by her decorative headdress. A ragged shoulder cape billowed behind her, caught in the wake of what lay ahead. If one were close enough, they'd have heard the knight humming a jaunty tune as she sat astride her companion. The other, a beast without parallel. Skin purple and marked with tribal designs, with crude iron armor affixed over it's legs. Bladed armor had been affixed to the tail to further accentuate the lethality of the multi-ton killing machine when its teeth and claws weren't sufficient to get the message across. On either side of beast's waist was a quiver, but in place of arrows the left held an assortment of swords while the right held spears. None of which were anything approaching good quality. No lord, demonic or otherwise, would be caught wielding them, but they were sufficient. One did not need to be close to hear the thunder of his footfalls shaking the ground beneath them. Emerging from the cloud of dust they came upon the mountain range that barred entry to a neighboring land, and along the spines of those great spires was a mighty army of the most foul, wretched, and depraved demons in all the land. The duo paused, both craning their necks to glimpse the dragon visible even from the mountains base. The Lord of Beasts let out a disquieted growl, naturally being unnerved by the sight of a creature so far beyond it's purview. This was ignored by the Abyssal Knight, eye shining in undiluted wonder at the sight before her. [color=teal]"Truly, we are a righteous cause." [/color]The Knight said with a soft smile, hand patting against the Lord's muscled neck. [color=teal]"Look at what has been brought together? The mightiest and the meekest standing as one before the tyranny of the world!"[/color] He ceased his reverberations but did no more to signal this being a shared sentiment. Moving once more, they closed the distance between them and the resting army shortly. The Knight waved to the sentries as they passed, they being either too confused by the two or too afraid of the beast to properly react to the casual manner with which they entered the camp. The absence of hostility in their approach and cadence did much to assuage any concern of attack, and once they were amidst the troops they received only a few curious glances before moving on unmolested. The Abyssal Knight had come to offer her services in combating the forces of Man that so fervently hunted her fellow creatures of the dark, and now that she had finally tracked down the Dungeon Master's horde she was ready to get to work. She perked up as the Lord of Beasts sniffed the air, which coincidentally had enough force to pull a passing Imp off the ground momentarily before dropping it on it's ass, and turning towards the shadow between two tents. There, seemingly trying to blend into the shadows was a Rabbit man that she thought looked rather chivalrous. Spurred on by a feeling of kinship, she dismounted with deft ease and approached the inconspicuous rabbit. [color=teal]"Hail sir! I am the Abyssal Knight Lorelai, champion of the meek and mighty persecuted by Man, and this is my most honored compatriot Durgan, the Lord of Beasts who walk the land." [/color]Lorelai greeted, bringing her fist to her heart in what she thought was a courteous salute. Durgan was preening from being addressed by his full title, an unmistakable glint of pride in the beasts' continence that couldn't be shaken, even under the shadow of an ancient dragon. [color=teal]"We have come to pledge our service to the Dungeon Master. You seem a reputable sort, watching over the rank and file to maintain order as you are. Could you direct us to the leader of this glorious army to pledge ourselves to their cause?" [/color]