[color=ed1c24][b]"That's a really good question."[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, thumb against his lips, his teeth biting down on it lightly. If what Lola said was a bluff, then she was truly crazy. She couldn't possibly believe that Jaakuna, Emiri, or anyone that she told would believe her, would she? That was such an outragous thing to even believe. However, if she actually did have an Esper, then that made things truly complicated and worse considering what was on the horizon. If she truly did have an Esper, then that meant Lola was not only losing her sanity(as seen from how she enjoyed the sight of the destruction and news of the deaths of the citizens of Stigma), but it meant she was dangerous. There was only one question that remained. [color=ed1c24][b]"If she truly does have an Esper—that being a huge [i]if[/i]—which one does she have?"[/b][/color] Jaakuna asked both himself and Emiri. [color=ed1c24][b]"The ones, to my knowledge, that are accounted for are our and the others' Espers—Belias, the Gigas, Chaos, Walker of the Wheel, Mataeus, the Corrupt, Zeromus, the Condemner, Hashmaal, Bringer of Order, and Ultima, the High Seraph. Added to that, I remember that Aloa and Vlyn have the Death Seraph, Zalera. And my cousin, Ixion, has the lightning Esper, Adrammelech, the Wroth. Of course, let us not forget how that Harris guy pretty much stole that one Esper in Rabanstre's sewers, Cúchulainn, the Impure from us."[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, recalling his memory of the Espers that, in their travels, either by his own account or what he was told, have been claimed. [color=ed1c24][b]"So, according to what I know, that leaves Exodus, the Judge-Sal, Shemhazai, the Whisperer, and Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud unclaimed."[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, scratching his head somewhat,[color=ed1c24][b] "damn it, I wish I had Nadeline's tome, or her brain. Call her what you want, she definitely has a knack for knowledge."[/b][/color] Jaakuna laughed. [hr] Once again, Nadeline had surprised Wesley. To think, with all that in mind, with knowing that he had planned to go back to Rabanastre tomorrow, she wanted to come along. Wesley did look confused, though. It seemed that Nadeilne misunderstood what his intentions were. She seemed to think that he was just going back there for a short time. She had no idea that he was planning on staying there. Should he tell her? Should he tell her that tonight may be the last night they could possible have together for a long time? He has to. Wesley may, in some situations, be a lot like Jaakuna in his undying will and often reckless behavior, but he has never willingly lied to Nadeline. He has never kept anything from her that he had a choice in. He never told her anything that wasn't true, and he wasn't going to start now. [color=fff79a][b]"Nadeline, my love, because you are the best thing that has happened to me since my father's untimely death, I feel like I owe you the whole truth."[/b][/color] Wesley said, still looking at her. [color=fff79a][b]"When I said I plan on going back to Rabanastre, it is not for a mere visit to see how my sister is doing or to make sure the possibility of war doesn't affect my people."[/b][/color] he continued,[color=fff79a][b] "when I go back to Rabanstre—my home—I plan on staying there for good."[/b][/color] Wesley disappointingly admitted. [color=fff79a][b]"Being with you, with Jaakuna, with Emiri, with Grant, and even Savayna, has been the greatest times of my life. It has opened my eyes to what Ivalice has to offer outside of the walls of Rabanastre. But, with the war most likely coming, I need to come to the realization that I cannot continue this anymore. When I return to Rabanastre, I will take my rightful place as King of Dalmasca."[/b][/color] Wesley told her, knowing full well that this news would be disheartening, to say the least. However, Wesley felt like Nadeline deserved to hear the whole truth, and she deserved to hear it from him. [hr] Levi, a mortal? Okay, Savayna would give Grant that one. She is mortal, but a human being? There was no way. Grant really had no idea just how terrifyingly, horrendously, creepy that woman was. He had no idea the things she has done and what has happened to her because of said things she has done. Grant truly had no idea what she did and what she was. How could he? Grant didn't grow up in Archadia where Levi was always around you. Grant didn't even have the slightest clue what she was like, and Savayna wasn't blaming him because of that. She knew that Grant only saw the tip of what Levi was really like. She knew that he only saw just the beginning of what Leviathan was really capable of. As she was about to say more about how Leviathan was unstoppable, even with their espers' help, Savayna saw the look in Grant's eyes. She saw something in them that somehow made her smile. It made her laugh, as well. Possibly inappropriate of her to do so, but she did. It was perhaps the first laugh since she went on a fit about Leviathan, but she did. [color=lightblue][b]"You're right, I suppose,"[/b][/color] Savayna laughed again, shaking her head. Apparently Savayna Glacie was going mad.