Neat the surface of the collapse, the sound of crumbling rubble pushed away was heard. Though there were certainly lives inside the subway, the veteran demon hunter could only save that of two: his own, and that of the other hunter. Calling the police, Snider predicted, would only have negative consequences, as he risks more lives should the demon resurface. "Come on," Snider grunted at the other hunter, "We're both getting out of here alive, whether you like it or not." With another swing of his rocket hammer, Snider smashed through another hunk of rock. With his bare hands, the man shoveled away the debris back toward Zio. "You should have stood back" the veteran grumbled as he continued his work. "I had everything under control. Woulda took him down too. Now the bastard's down in the city's underbelly and out of our hands. I don't know if he survived, but I'll be damned if he did." With the next stroke of his hammer, Snider burst through to the surface. There was an uncontrollable rise and fall of his chest, his vision going blank for a second. His two sledges were planted on the ground, Snider leaning on them for balance. He slowly reached a hand to a piece of shrapnel, still stuck to his chest, quickly moving away as a pained sensation vibrates through his upper body and down his spine. Snider groaned in discontent. [i]I'll get 'em out later.[/i] He reasoned to himself. "You should go back to the organization. I doubt they haven't already figured out what happened, but if I were you, I'd give them the details just in case." Snider shouted to the boy as he walked away. Snider swung his hammers over his shoulders. The engines sputtered for a second, before jets of flame shot from them, propelling the muscled elder into the air and away from the scene.