The New Dawn Cell was always out of the hundreds of cells all over the planet at most risk, they were among those that couldn't afford to be based in hidden bunkers and the like, and often had to make due with what they had and what was given. Although it was a great risk in establishing camps all over the slums, the Cell could do more then just fight a war, they also helped the impoverished exiled communities trapped outside the wall, both out of the goodness of their hearts and to find potential recruits, needless to say, such a task was not difficult. [b][u] New Dawn City Outer Slums New Dawn Cell Field Base Delta [/u][/b] The New Dawn Cell were based around three field bases, one of which was a whole city block, code named Delta Base, and it was under heavy attack. The APEC had the rebels surrounded, shelling the fortified block with repeated rocket strikes, unfortunately for APEC, the artillery strikes ceased, the rebels having somehow sneaking past the blockade and wiped out the artillery position, but it was no matter for the APEC Commander at the helm. From a short distance, the APEC Commander, a woman around her mid thirties, observed the rebel base with a pair of binoculars, taking notice of the jittery sentries, she smirked. "Heh, can't hide forever traitors, I [i]will[/i] be coming for you." "Commander Walton." An APEC Officer spoke up from behind her. "Shall we proceed with the assault?" "Do what you must Captain." She replied. With that, the Captain pulled out a small device. "We are green, I repeat, we are green, commence the attack." All around them, the roar of engines could be heard as they flared to life, several Justicar gunships rising from the ground as they soared towards the base, firing off bolts of plasma at the outer barricades, all the while on the ground, APEC soldiers equipped with Tactical Combat armor marched down the streets, supported by Crusader Tanks and APCs. "Let us end these heretics and traitors."