Hello, RPG folk! I go by Mia and before I took my leave from RPG, I went to join some friends to a forum that was entirely based in the Fallout: New Vegas universe. It wasn't until that two of most important admins had to leave (they were a couple) because they were joining the military together and everything began to die down. Unfortunately, we lost touch but I'm happy to return even though I didn't make any friendships or roleplays here so there's still time! First things first, I'm currently 21 and I live in the United States. I'm Latina even though I look white as heck and can speak and write in Spanish fluently. At the moment, I'm not currently attending college nor working since I'm going through depression, anxiety, and kicking OCD in the ass but grief as well. I've found that roleplaying is a great medium for me to exercise my imagination and get in touch with what makes me happy, as the saying goes. I roleplay from Low Casual to High Casual and some day, I would really love to be with the cool people in Advanced but I'm not quite there yet. I love almost all genres so you'll see me all over the place, be it in group roleplays or 1x1's. I'll say now that I really like decorating so my current avatar and what nots will change a lot so I'm sorry (not sorry) if that bothers you! Thank you for having me... again! :hehe