[center][b][color=E77C12]Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer[/color][/b][/center] Finally a relief team. [i]And a powerful one to match[/i], Grant thought. Gyro came up beside him. [color=0076a3]"Hey!!! My name is Gyro, I think we are team mates, and ummmm....kinda saw you guys on the news so I thought I would fly over and help out."[/color] Spunky and helpful, a change of pace from Kain. Grant was glad to have a nice ally on the field. "Grant," he replied sternly. This was no time for nice to meet you's. "Where's Tia? Is she ok? I left her back up at the SUV. I have to be sure she's made it back to HQ-" an exploding statue's face interrupted him as Visi-Play also approached. [color=9e0b0f]Guys, sorry for the delay, do you have a set strategy on stopping that thing?[/color] "This threat's being cleaned up it looks like but more statues are being animated. We need to rally the team, and find whatever started this." He looked up into the sky and saw Jessie flying about. "Is she one of ours?" He asked and got on the commlink, "Hey, flyers. Where is the coming from. Can you see anything? Can you direct us on the ground?" Military command experience was kicking in and Grant was quick to make plans and take action. Like Visi-Play said, they needed a strategy. They needed to rally together and keep from being too spread out. [@RumikoOhara][@Queentze][@King Tai] [center][b][color=E77C12]Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer[/color][/b][/center]