[@Snagglepuss89] How's this? [hider=Ava Hemingway] [center][img]http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m181/Music_Sugar/Ava_zpsqk7sfgxa.jpg[/img][/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Name:[/color] Ava Hemingway[/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Color:[/color] MediumAquamarine[/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Age:[/color] 22[/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Gender:[/color] Female[/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Description:[/color][/center] [center]Ava is of average height, marking an uninteresting 5'5" and weighing around 125 pounds. Her over all frame is rather tiny, perfect for sneaking around in awkward and small places completely unnoticed. She has long chestnut brown hair, which she normally keeps in braids or a pony tail, and dark emerald eyes which people like to point out for being a trait of The Lost. She can usually be seen quietly observing her surroundings, never fully engaging in interaction with other people rather than simply scrutinizing them. She has two prominent scars on her body, one on her right forearm and one on the inner thigh of her left leg; both were a point proven by her training instructor, though few get close enough to notice the scar on her thigh. [/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Occupation:[/color] [/center] [center]Mercenary, though she does not go around telling everyone. She tells strangers that she is a farm hand like her mother. [/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Personality/Bio:[/color][/center] [center] Ava has always been level-headed and more of a logical thinker rather than emotional. Growing up her mother liked to say "You are your father's child" when she was frustrated, although Ava remembers nothing about her father. Her mother claims that she knew him until she was around the age of two, when he decided to leave Oasis in search of something valuable to bring back and sell for a hefty price. Needless to say, he never returned. [/center] [center]Some say Ava becomes too detached from people, but in present day this is how she has made a living. If she were to have empathy for every person she had to stick with an arrow, well, she may as well have perished in the desert a long time ago.[/center] [center]Mercenary life came to her when she was only fifteen. Throughout her schooling Ava showed an extraordinary skill in archery, which eventually gained attention from recruiters. At fifteen she was whisked away to a training camp, where she worked endlessly every day to sharpen her skills for nearly three years. While they did teach her hand to hand combat, it was not her strong suit. She worked better from the shadows, firing an arrow from afar to take down her target quietly. While in training she was shown how to produce poisons through herbs, which could be valuable on weapons if going against a tougher opponent. Fighting dirty was not against the mercenary hand book and Ava never cared much about honor anyway. [/center] [center]Seven years later, Ava takes up nearly every mercenary contract she can find to support her younger brother and mother. Her family barely makes enough to stay off the streets as Ava's brother, only eight, has been deathly ill for the past two years. Her mother, a struggling single parent since the disappearance of Ava's father and outright abandonment of Ava's brothers father, works as a farm hand when she can but has since put most of her time into watching over her son. Keeping him alive with medication and occasional procedures has put them on the brink of poverty. [/center] [center]When the word got out that the crown was offering a years worth of salary to join an expedition out of Oasis Ava jumped at opportunity. A whole years worth could get them a long way, and hopefully if she returned she would have another years worth to give to her family. Her mother pleaded with her not to go as she feared the same fate of Ava's father, but Ava already had her mind set. She was going and she'd be damned if she didn't return. [/center] [center][Color=mediumaquamarine]Possessions:[/color][/center] [center] Her trusty bow and arrow, who she calls Scarlett. Two hidden daggers, a vile of fatal poison for her arrows and/or daggers if need be, and a locket she wears with a picture of her family inside (though that did go against the "mercenary handbook".) [/center] [/hider]