[color=0054a6]"A simple test; can you state your name?"[/color] Who was she? Did she have a name? If she did why couldn't she remember it? [color=ec008c]"REMEMBER"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Remember what"[/color] What was she supposed to remember pain she remembered pain and loss and the feeling of being alone. [color=ec008c]"NO REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Who I am?" [/color] [color=fff200]"NO YOU ARE NOTHING AND WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING A PERSON WHO BRINGS NOTHING BUT SHAME UPON YOUR FAMILIES NAME. IT WOULD DO EVERYONE GOOD IF YOU FORGOT WHO YOU WERE AND SANK INTO DEPTHS."[/color] [color=f49ac2] "Am I nothing? NO that is not right I am someone, sombebody but who was I why do I exist and most of all what is my path my purpose?"[/color] [color=ec008c]"Remember you may be like the ocean's grey waves, seeking something that is out of reach but you inherit something so much more a legacy. While it may be of conquest and lies it is also your birthright and it brings with it love. Night will break through the day but you should embrace the dark that you call your home. For within you will find your answer."[/color] The voice that resounded was softer than before calm like a mother soothing child but while the words struck deep she knew it was true. [color=f49ac2]"A legacy of lies that is something I was never proud of but with it I know who I am...."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"I am not happy with it but I wont forget it for it makes me who I am and with it I remember who I am MY NAME IS SENHIME HONDA and I will embrace the very thing that makes me who I am!" [/color] [color=ec008c]"VERY GOOD NOW Scream my name and show them the power that lies in your heart."[/color] Senhime gasped as she remembered who she was and her less than stellar legacy that was her family name. Facing the shadow like monsters ahead of her. She let a large somewhat unnatural smile grace her lips and whispered something that seemed to echo in the empty space "PER-SO-NA" she called as somebody materialized behind her swinging a large double bladed naginata with a single arm. [color=ec008c]"Thou art I and I am thou from the sea of thy soul I awaken I am OICHI sister of the demon king and under the arcana of the priestess I answer thee."[/color] With those words said the being materialized fully in a blue light. Senhime didn't know what this power she had was but she would use it to protect herself.