[quote=iSuspect] Priscilla Trusette-Lombardi| 20| “I am not the one to mess with.” Lombardi.Daughter-in-Law.Helps Jones run the smuggling of interests. Without Jones knowing, she is also one of the Lombardi’s assassins. Born and raised in a nice wealthy home in Los Angeles, California, Priscilla went to school every day as she was told and made a lot of friends, most who were very uninteresting to her but she held onto them anyway. After a few short years in California, her and her parents flew to the Big Apple, New York City and made a major adjustment to living there. Growing up wasn’t really hard for her since she asked a lot of questions on things that confused her and much more other things. When she met Jones, she knew that her life was going to change, she could feel it – And boy did it ever change.At first glance, you might say that Priscilla has a black heart but she is the complete opposite. She is actually quite sweet and caring for most people. She is very loyal to Jones and the rest of the Lombardi family and she knows that she need to keep her mouth shut since she has seen what happens to people that doesn’t, so yeah she is usually quiet unless spoken to.In a committed relationship with Jones Lombardi. [/quote] [i] Welcome to the family :wub [/i]